Friday, May 29, 2009

Smile when I still can....

Hellos ! Sorry for not posting for 3 days ~ Hahas, wednesday lesson was totally sian-ed ! Whole day of NWT lesson, going mad ~ Learnt about the router thingy, and uses Packet Tracer to practise ! Alright lahs, quite fun if understand . If dont understand, like really hate the lesson >.< But at least I understand . Hahahs ~  Okay, and S&W had swimming test ! I didnt attend, due to woman probs :x

Well, teacher is being unreasonable lahs ! I told her my problems, and she say no choice . I still have to wear the swimming suit and go down the water . I was lik, but I didnt bring the swimming suit . She say, then too bad your attandence will not be marked -.- Totally like shit siahs, imagine she has the same problem as me and I ask her go swimming >.< ! Lalalas, was laughing at those ppl who took the test ! Anyway, headed to Cafe 1 for dinner after they swim finish ~ Then back home !

Ytd lesson was alright lahs, NWT lesson I sat infront of teacher . Hahahs, at least I really understood everything ! Hahas, given breaks and nobody went for breaks :x So teacher continued the lesson ! Well, after his lesson was totally 'Phews' ! Hahahs, not so stress alrdy ~ Went for break, then LLA ! Hahahs, was chatting & singing >.< ! Did work, then pass up, then headed for RCT pratical test . Was alright lahs, nthg much ~ After that dinner @ Cafe 1 :D

After dinner headed to meet Xiuyi @ T1 ! Well, acc her to buy swimming suit ~ And, the 2 of us started shopping liaos >.< ! Bought 1 top, and magazine ~ And books, coloured pen ! Hahahs, spend quite alot ~ But nvm, long long time once :x Hahahs, around 9 plus go home bahs ? Hahahs ~ Okay, today morning ate Mcdonald Breakfast :DD With korkor, haha ! Last min decision, left 5mins for me to buy ~ Hahahs, heng I manage to get it >.< ! Like so long nvr eat Mcdonald's breakfast le !

Okayokay, gonna let korkor use computer now :D Hahaha, kbox tonight with FTBG ? And Robin ! Hahas ~ Beer Beer Beer >.< ! I also dont knw, see how bahs ~ Im having flu, maybe due to not enough sleep ! Now going nap awhile, since it's still early :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

- Cheer up ! -

My dear, please cheer up !

Eh-hems ! Im back :D Hahahs, really post once each 2 days ! Okayokay, ytd I totally went to school for NOTHING.... Was suppose to go for RCT, but teacher says the section head gonna come and spot checks on out attire all these... Well, so most of us didnt go to RCT . But headed to Pool Room for the whole day instead >.< ! While waiting for time to pass for CARE lesson, was see-ing them play pool ~~

And and and ! CARE lesson is cancelled -.- Damn, I totally go to school for NOTHING ! I didnt even played Pool, didnt even eat anything in school >.< Super regret for going school siahs ! Anyway, headed home and bought Mac for dinner :DD Hahahs, collected 3 cups from Mcdonald already ~ Lime, Pink & Blue ! Lalalalas, next is ? I dont knw >.< !

Anyway, today went to school with Xiuyi ! Cheer up my dear, jus follow your heart :D I'll be yr listening ear ! Okay, headed right to class ! RCT was alright ? I kinda prefer RCT then NWT ? Cause RCT is more relaxing and not so stress ~ Hahahs ! NWT is so stressful mans, once you step into the class you gotta start working your brain without breaks ~ Anyway, tutorial can pass up on Thursday :DD

Finish lesson around 5.30pm ? Early release :D And headed to Cafe 1 for dinner ~ And then, back to Tmart ! Having the urge to eat WangZaiXiaoManTou :DD And guess what, I saw XGBFF ! Hahahs, had a long long chat with her ~ She even acc me go buy, but we haven finish our stories :x Hahahs, Girl ahs, please cheer up ! And no worries, Im here for you :DD Throw all you tantrums on me, I'll collect it >.< !

Okayokay, Im done with posting :DD MrLoh, can read liaos >.< Ohyah, tmr there's swimming test ! But no worries, cause I cnt swim Im not taking the test ~ Jus gonna tell teacher, I will fail >.< ! And prepare to go for the 10 weeks lesson ~ Coming Thursday having RCT pratical test, And next Monday is NAFA test alrdy ! So many test going on, 8June having RCT theory test too >.< ! Okay lahs, going sleep le ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong !

Hellos ! Im back already :DD Seems like im posting blog every 2 day ? I love watching the 花样男子 ! Super nice please ~~ And Kim Hyun Joong is so so handsome siahs ! Okay, relax :x Hmmm, friday night went to meet Doris & Shirley ~ Ohmygod, I miss them so much siahs ! Hahahs, another guy tag along . But dont knw is who :x Anyway, had Sushi for dinner ! Damn nice, and big thanks to Doris :DD Her treats again ~ Hahas, treat her back next time !

Okays, after dinner meet FTBG & Kenneth ~~ Long time nvr see till them liaos ! Okay, headed to Downtown and meet PTBF & friends . Slack @ Mac, then took bus home with FTBG ! Boring friday, but Im tired ~ Saturday, which is ytd ! Went to T1 with Mommy & Dajie ~ Mommy went to see doctor, help me buy swimming suit & clothings !

Ohyahs, I have job liaos ~ Working together with ShangFen ! Hahahs, bought shoes too ~ Then headed to CentrePoint to look for the manager . Fill-ed up form and chatted with ShangFen awhile ~ It's like sales girl ? At the Robinson . Okay, Took bus 65 back to interchange ! Then back home ~ zZz, home alone ! Cause nobody's home ~ Sian-ed ! Cooked soup & rice . Blabla ! Today whole day stoning at home bahs ? Sian-ed ! Should I go school tmr ? Cause got spot check :x Scare my hair kena ahs .

Hmmm, my RCT tutorial is not done yet ! Ohmy ~ Die lahs, Out of 6 tutorial, I only completed 2 :x Gotta go do now ! And, Im still watching 花样男子 now ~ Hahahas, the story line is almost the same as the Taiwan Drama ?  Hmmm, kinda nice ! And, The song Haru Haru by BigBang is nice :DD Hmmm ~ Okay, Im going off now ~ My brother wants to use the computer ! Keep nagging :x Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! See ~~


Kim Hyun Joong !

Friday, May 22, 2009

- Photos -





Okayokay ! Done with all the photos that Im suppose to post up :DD Haha . Friday, means no school for me ! But, it's also means Im gonna rot at home... Hahahs ~ Well, ytd had my Phrase Test . Was alright lahs >.< ! Hahahs, luckily I had help from Emma ! My Fluke Meter couldnt read the length in Metre, only in Feets :x Hahas, so exchange mine with her . And the test was easy !

Okayokay, after test went to Cafe 1 with Jacky, Izwan, Des, Jopie & Gene ! Eat and waited for the rest to come ~ Jiayi came 1st, then Jim & Ervin . Lalalalas, 12.30pm headed for LLA lesson ~ Lesson was alright bahs ? Hahahs, drawing on Jim's hand ! But my hand is worse :x Lols ! Then went for RCT, was learning new thingy ~ Oscilloscope >.< ! Kinda chim siahs, but still alright lahs . Was super hungry so told teacher, and went for short break :x Hahahs, headed to Cafe 2 for snacks ! Back to class, and pack up can go home liaos :DD Hahahs, bus home straight then .

Back home bath, and waited for Mommy to be back . Went downstair with Didi, bought canned soup and pain rice ~ Super nice & full dinner I had . Hahahs, okayokay ~ Use Computer for awhile, around 9 plus went downstair meet FTBG& GuoEn ! Acc FTBG for dinner, and slack awhile ~ Laughs* Nthg much to do, went back home ! Lalalalas, sleep around 12am, tired siahs ~ Today woke up around 11am :x And I've been rotting at home from morning till now >.< ! Well, gonna meet my ex-colleagues, Shirley & Doris for dinner @ 7.30pm tonight ! Hahahahs >.< Okay, I miss them so much mans ! So long didnt see then liaos ~ Alright, going off to eat something now :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Tmr buy Swimming suit ~~ Something to show,



Hahahas, look at the changes >.< ! Actually nthg much, is just the hairstyle :DD Byeeeeeeeee !

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

- Hellos -


HeyHeyHey ! Im back :DD Let me think, what did I do ytd lehs ? Oh, yesterday was learning the Subnet thingy ! Hmm, getting more and more complicated uhs ~ But nvm, it's fun ! This is learning >.< Hahahas ! Okay, I think I dont rmb what happen ytd liaos ~ I knw ytd RCT Im a good girl :DD I did his work, and it's correct ! Hahah ~ Headed home after that !

Today, as half of the class are having Phrase Test, I only need to go school @ 1.30pm :DD Hahaha, as usual ! Meet them for Lunch, and some alrdy had their test ~ Well, tmr is my turn to test ! Die lahs >.< Anyway, had EngKai's lesson, kinda dozing off ! Sat according to Regrister No. , HOW BORED :x Theory thingy, and subnet again ! Sit together with Jim, Ben & Gene ? Doing and chatting at the same time >.< !

Lalalas, had S&W after that ~ Well, the swimming thingy Im joining ! Hahahs, I wants to learn swimming ~ Main problem, the attire thingy ! Played Badminton, 3 vs 3 again :D Hahahs, kinda fun but sweaty siahs ! Anyway, headed to Cafe 1 for Dinner :DD Talk, chat, slack, gossip >.< ! Went to Tampines & look for our swimming suit ~ Together with JY, YS, Jon & Ben ! Plus PTBF, FTBG & Leonard ~ Well, found one and gonna buy on Sat ! Mommy bring me to >.< !

Well, tmr I have Phrase Test ! And here I am blogging, chatting online with classmates >.< Sure fail siahs ! Die :x Gonna go see see now ! Hope I'll be able to do things tmr, 8.30am ~ Goodluck to me lahs ! And, after exams Im gonna stone till dont knw what time . Cause Jim, JY they all having their Test after mine :( Sad case ! Okay lahs, off to sleep liaos ! It's 12am >.< ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD

Monday, May 18, 2009

- Hmmmm ? -


Hellos ! Im back again >.< Suppose to update ytd, but im lazy lahs ! Hahahs, okayokay ~ Well, ytd went to SengKang for Jogging & Swimming ! Hahahs, with cousins :DD Okay, headed to Dajie's house to meet her ! Ohmy, her dog named Butter is damn damn scary ~ He keep running towards me, and lick my leg ! At 1st Im scare, but he lick again and again, Im kinda numb alrdy ~ So no feeling liaos >.< ! Hahahs, and headed off to SengKang ! Meet Shangfen, then went to SengKang Complex I think ?

Okays, reach there and was almost tempted by the Mcdonald :x But no worries, we didnt ! Hahahs, went jogging at nearby park and Didi only ran for 1 round ~ Me & Dajie ran 2, and ShangFen 3 ! Hahas, took our things later on and headed to swimming ! Althought I dont knw how to swim, I did enjoy okays ~ Played the slide, woohoos ! Damn fun lahs >.< And super shiok de ! Hahahs, then headed to eat . So coincidence, GarrieKor work theres ! Hahahs, he treats us Chocolate & Coffee Milkshake :DD Thanks ahs ! Okay, headed home and knock out :x

Today lesson was very very bored ! Meet PTBF & FTBG for lunch :DD Headed to TM for lunch, and I was late for lesson ! Im quiet today >.< Lalalalas, headed home around 5 plus ? No care lesson today, CA on leave ~ And bought dinner home, watch tv . Done the CCNA quiz, from Chapter 2 to Chapter 6 ! Well, All average marks, out of 5 fail-ed 2 :x Okayokay lahs hors ? Hahahas, gonna buck up liaos ! Seriously, whether is NWT or RCT, both gotta work hard ! RCT's teacher ttalk to me, saying that I wasnt doing anything in his lesson >.< ! Well, I knw le lahs ~ Will listen and work hard le :x Okay byeeeeeeeeeee !

Nobody knows, yeahs ?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Silly ?


Hellos ! Im back with that funny picture of mine >.< That's what I do when Im bored ~~ Hahahs, ytd I really stoned at home for whole day lahs ! Sit infront of the computer, for WHOLE day ~~ I mean it :x Hahas, only went to bath around 4 plus ? Then continue using computer, till 8 plus then Dinner ~ Daddy cook ! Lalalalas ~ After dinner, still siting infront of Computer >.< ! But at least, playing Uno with Jim ~~ This time round the Computer seems to keep winning !

Okay, having the urge to eat Ice-cream last night, but in the end bought M&M chocolate :DD Hahas, went down with Didi ! Super funny, cause Daddy say only can either me or him go down ~ Cause Mommy will be alone if both of us go down together . So I say, he go down jiu hao ! He went mad shouting and I keep laughing >.< Hahaha, super funny ~ In the end we 2 went down together, but back asap Mommy say ~ Watch show, and went to sleep around 12am ?

Today woke up around 11am ? Hahas, consider quite late to me lahs >.< Had breakfast and here I am posting again ! Hahaha, reply to tags I think now :x But is randomly ! I shall ignore the passerby all those nonsense ? Haha, thanks people who help to scold back :DDD But no worries, Im not affected by them ! Links are all relinked :D Replying to Peter, kepos lahs you ? Who ask you to read my post, dont read if you thinks that it's lame ! To XGBFF, do find a time to update me about everything about you Girl :DD I'll be here for you ~ Okay, tags consider replied :x

Okays, Im going out with FTBG, PTBF & Didi ! Where are we going lehs ? Dont knw ~ But going to T1 for the note book that I've ordered ! The cover page is my horoscope, that's all >.< But I just lik this kinda thingy lahs ? Hahahs, okay ! Off to watch show with Kor & Di, while waiting for FTBG & PTBF to be done with their Arcade thingy ! Byeeeeeeeeee ~

Friday, May 15, 2009

Stomach Aches :(


Good the morning everyone :DD Hahahas ! Im awake now cause my stomach is not getting any better lahs ~ It makes me cnt sleep well ! Hmmmm... Okay, for the last few days had celebrated Xiuyi's birthday, Mother's day, Daddy's Birthday ! Alot of photos taken, but Im lazy to upload lehs ? Maybe when I have mood :x Hahaha ~ Okay lahs, ytd lunch went to Cafe 2 ~ Im the last to finish again >.< ! Haha, then went back to class for LLA . Okays, this week LLA is kinda alright uhs ? Keep laughing with JY :x Cause of YongSiang lahs ! Keep repeating the same thingy ~~

Okays, ytd RCT pon half way :x Put my bag together with Jim they all in the locker ~ And trying to enjoy in the class, till attandance is taken ! Byebye to all :x Hahaha, meet FTBG & headed to Tampines Interchange ~ Waiting for PTBF, and he's super super late lahs ! Headed to Sakae for dinner, and 3 of us ate till $64 plus ~~

Anyway, meet May & acc her go buy things . Then walk around T1, while the guys went to Arcade.. Blablabla, acc May wait for Bus ~ After that the both of them send me home ! Damn, reached home and daddy scolded me -.- Like damn siahs ~ Say "Do You Know that Mommy is sick !?" I was lik, how would I knw ? And he angry for ? Totally walk into my room, and hack ~ And headed to sleep after bath !

Well, im not going out today ? I suppose lahs . And tmr MAYBE group study @ Des house ~ I'll see how bahs, kinda moodless to study >.< ! And no money to go out liaos, seriously broke ! So, maybe will be studying at home only ~~ I seriously need to work siahs ! Im broke & seriously family is not gonna help me with the money thingy . Cause mommy is also kinda broke lahs ?

You really dont understand ? Then it's my fault..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

- Updating -

Hellos ! Im back to make a short update :DD Currently in class, how bored please ~ Having NWT theory lesson . And lunchbreaks is in 1 hour time, so long siahs ! Okay, ytd S&W was cancelled due to the dont knw what lahs >.< ! And headed to Tampines Inter with FTBG ! Meet PTBF together with Leonard & YH.. Quite bored and tired ? Nthg much to say lahs ~ I headed off to Grandma house while they headed to work . Dinner, then go home .

Well, Korkor is sick for lik, almost 1 week ? It's not getting any better, and his med is finishing ! His teeth bleeds, gum problem I think ? Ohmy, gonna cost a bomb see-ing the doc . See doctor & Dentist ~ Mommy say, if worst gotta go for operation ! Anyway, these few days in class was fun ! Hahahas ~ Keep laughing lik nobody business :x And ytd lunch break went to East Point for BK !

Okay, half & hour more Im going for lunchbreak liaos ! Hahaha :DD Ohya, I just got my Ez-link card ! Hahahas, look so ugly lahs >.< And teacher say it doesnt look like me :x And we gotta tap in and out everyday ~ Hmmm.. Im so tired siahs ! Ytd night watch The Project Runway @ Channel 5 . Till 12am, but nice lahs :D Hmmm, tonight PTBF & FTBG gonna treat me to Sakae ! Hahaha ~ BIG BIG THANKS ! Alright, off to do work, byeeeeeeeeeee :DDDD By the way, I miss XGBFF !

Saturday, May 9, 2009

- Pissed -


Hmmms, back to post liaos ! Hmmm, thursday schooling was super bloody bored >.< ! Only 5 ppl came, for our group lahs :x Aroun 5 ppl didnt came ! Only Jim, Me, Ervin, Des & Jiayi -.- Well, for both NWT & RCT had Pratical ! Quite bored, hahas . And LLA was fun this week ! Had some test, and we roughly know our characteristics ~ A pity the others didnt come ! YS came, Gene also ! But Gene left after LLA, hahahas ~

After sch, which is 5pm ! Rushed home and changed, Cab to Pasir Ris interchange with May ~ Then meet Xy, Kevin & Suyi ! Headed to Pasir Ris Park, had dinner there . Was kinda comfortable uhs ? Help Xy celebrated her birthday ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR GIRL :DDD Suprised was the cake we shared, she teared ! Hahahs, but at least all enjoyed ~ Around 10 plus reach home downstair .

Meet PTBF & FTBG ! I miss them please ~~ Hahahs :D Slack till 12am, then they send me home ~ Ytd I totally rot @ home lahs ? Sleeping, eating ~ Laughs* Aand today Im going ouy ! So finally ~ Hahahs, ytd do nthg so didnt intend to say >.< ! And I have a kinda of feeling, lik cheated ? Only Jim & XGBFF knw, hais ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Off to preapre, family day for me today :DDD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

- Shut Up -


Boring mans, Im super bored today ! Hahahs, school was boring . Very very boring ..... Okays, morning meet XY & bus to school . Jim didnt come to school due to swollen eyes ~ So meet Jiayi & Ervin too . The rest headed to class straight ! Did Pratical today, kinda fun ? Hahas, quite interesting siohs :x Laughs* And break for 2 hours ! As usual, not in school ~

Headed to East Point for lunch ~ Meet Jim there too ! I think he's kinda brave siahs, haha ~ Well, back to school @ 1.30pm, boring ! Had NWT again, played games and was kinda fun ! Binary & Decimal thingy again :DD IP address, Networking Address ... Hahas, kinda interesting ? And, no HMWK for today ! Hahahs ~ Whole day of NWT was alright ? RCT sucks :x

S&W was quite fun uhs ! Played Badminton, 3 against 3 ~ But after awhile, left me & Jiayi only -.- All pon ! Lalalas, after S&W headed to Cafe 2 to eat . Ate Udon, super salty please >.< ! And then took bus home together with Jonathan & Ben.N ! Lalalas, reach home watch tv . Dinner, then bath ~ TV again ! Till 10pm, online ~ Then 11pm, watch The Project Runway ! Jim intro, not bad uhs ! Hahahs, kinda nice & funny ? Not bad, hahas ! Next week watch again, laughs*

Alright, off to sleep alrdy ! Im super tired ~~ Hahas, had abit flu now ! Gotta sleep now, hahahs ~ Tmr morning then pack bag bahs :x Night people ! I think nobody is reading at this hour ? If yes, pls tag :DD Hahahs, tags will be replied by this week bahs :x Im lazy >.< ! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE !

Irritated ?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stop it lahs ?


Hello people, yes it's me blogging again . Cause I got nthg to do, so I post blog ! Well, today is Tuesday ! Lesson from morning 9am till 6pm -.- And had 90mins of breaks ! Anyway, kena catch by the DM -.- Damn sway, and lucky I haven get my ez-link card yets ~ Haha, so headed to Cafe 1 instead of forum ! Cause DMs are everywhere ~ Jim went to Cafe 1 too, cause he kena catch too ! Totally spoils our mood early in the morning -.- Xiang & Jiayi kena toos ! Okay, nthg much to mention ~ Acc Jim go buy labsheet, then headed to lesson le .

NWT, nthg much ? Learning the Binary & Decimal thingy, kinda fun & abit easy :x Haha ! Anyway, Im finally doing work in NWT uhs ? And I do work in RCT too :D Hahah, all secondary thingy ? Voltage, Power, Current blablabla ~~ And NWT had hmwk -.- And Im super blur today :X I thought Im on duty today ! Keep nagging about nobody helps me :x Haha, and Jiayi helped ! When Im done, then realise today is not my duty ! Hahah, joke sia :x

Okay, after lesson went to Cafe 1 and look for May ! Ate early dinner and then headed home ~ Coincidence, took the same bus as Ben.N ! Haha, was chatting all the way till we alight ! Lalalalas ~ Reach home and nobody's @ home ! Well, bath-ed and watch-ed tv ~ Laughs* Okay, Im going off le ! I got no notes to do, cause it's with Jim ! And I have NWT hmwk undone :x Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Tmr, S&W :DDD

Monday, May 4, 2009

-No Comment-


Monday blue ? Not for me ! Haha . How can I still have monday blues when my lesson starts at 2pm >.< ! Haha ~ Anyway, wake up around 10.30am ? Prepared myself and headed off to East Point to meet Jim, YS & Des . Im not late, haha ! And Ervin tag along too :DD Had lunch @ East Point Foodcourt ~ Ate YPMF again ! zZz.... Walk to school, and was late for the Pool timing . Well, so couldnt get a table in time then ~ So headed to Library and slack . Seriously the school air-con is so laggy ! Not cold at all, everywhr -.- And, my fan is useful at times :x Cause we are all sweating la ?

Hmmm, lesson was super bored ! Wasnt doing work la, but listening to Jacky & Jim mp3 for songs ~ Im so into Eng song now :DD Haha, nice song pls send me ! After lesson, went to the field with Jim & Xiang . Went to see their training, awhile and left :x Haha, how gd of albert to acc me to the bus-stop ! Haha, he acc me to bus-stop then he go back to school again :DD Thanks ah albert ! Haha, so headed home . And Kor's classmates are here, all studing ~ Lalalas, mommy had to work till late tonight . So I acc Daddy for dinner :DD Haha ! He treat me lik princess, help me buy food & drinks :x Hohohos ~~

Okay la, im done with today's posting ! Nthg much, but I post quite a long post uhs ? Haha . Okay, Im losing..... I mean, im getting weaker ? Yes, maybe im emotional ? But, things just wont get right . I dont knw, I think nobody will understand . Thr's smthg they dont knw, and they wont knw... Lalalala, random me with random speech :x Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rotting Occurs >.< !


Hello, im back posting ! Haha, ytd stone at home whole day -.- Totally doing NWT notes & helping out with the chores at home . This is guaibaobao alright ! Haha :x And ytd night had dinner @ Tam 100 plus ~ Together with Kor's GF & Friends . Kinda fun, cause joke and laugh around :D Uncle came too ! Join in and was chatting ~ Suppose to meet Ger & Liang, but last min I cnt make it ! Anyway, dad fetch us back to 201 then walk home .

Haha, i got dad's laptop in my room . With internet, Im not gonna snatch from 'them' le ! Althought abit lag, still able to play Uno with Jimson online ~ Haha, both of us help each other to win . Jus dont want the computer to win ! Laughs* Okay, wake up around 11 plus today morning ! TV till 2 plus :x Headed down to buy KFC ! Haha ~ 2PIECE CHICKEN ! Nice, but ulcer hurts ~ Lalala, Im slow on doing NWT notes ! After so long, Im still @ chapter 2 :x When teacher is alrdy on Chapter 4 !

Okay, Im suppose to meet Ger & Liang today . But I doze off, and not done with my chores yet ! Today im suppose to hang all the black clothings ~ Not done yet :x Okayokay, meeting for dinner I think ? I miss them so much pleaseeee ~~ Tmr meeting Jimson for lunch I suppose ? Haha, and tmr lesson @ 2pm ! Shiok, but RCT is bored ~~ Done with posting ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tags !

Gerald: u ar sleep never tell me suddenly no reply... haha =)
- Haha, paisehs lahs . Fall asleep mahs :x

Satome: LOL had fun today ba~ was wanting to go down cycle de... LOL do notes untill forget the time LOL~
- Haha :x Too bad for you then !

XGBFF: girl i miss you alot alot please
- I miss you too :(

bennie: hey.. take care leh.. as you can see, there are alot of friends caring about you :)
- Laughs* Sure, you are one of them too :D

robin: you okays ma? y ur blog getting more n more emo? anything just call me lah... listening ear is always there. =D
- Laughs* Somethings happen ma, but now fine le :DD

Carmen(!): As long as you see me ! :] Hehe
- zZz ! Boring, so long ~~~

XGBFF: Xingan don't care what people said. I just love the way you are. :) MWUAHS.
- Hmmm, I knw you will :DD

Jay: Joining soon. okay, lets join together :)
- Haha, do tell me when you going !

passer by: stop ur wadever ohmy~ pls
- Yes ? What's the prob with MY ohmy ? Kepos -.-

serene: Huixin =D here to tag u hahahs. takecare yeas. and see ya around soon~
- Haha, thanks :DD Yea, see you around too !

Liang: Keep that beautiful smile~! :D
- Haha, for you ?

Gerald: sis stay happy always and keep smiling cause u always have us supporting u =)
- Yes I will :D Thanks for being there :D

Satome: Tag Tag TAG... SPAM NI AR!!! LOL... dun emo so much lea~sad also have to pass a day... y dun make it as a smile? RIGHT?!?! cheers ^^
- Nahs ! O know le la ~~

Maythida: I see everyone is comment abt you, CHUBBY ! ;x
- You start de la :x

peijuan: doesnt matter uh , but the texture like very smooth not fizzy fizzy . lol .
- ~ Ohs, okayokay ~ Hahah ! Reborning leys ~

Friday, May 1, 2009

East Coast Outing !

Hello Im back ! Haha, sorry for not updating uhs :DD Blogger doesnt allow me to upload all photos today, zZz ! Only 1, Tmr ? Well, thursday lesson totally lik shit ! Had only 1 lesson, 3 hours of break ~ Went to Tampines Interchange for KFC, then walk around ~ Thinking of whether to go back to school for lesson, but final decision is no ! And we really didnt went for the lesson :x Haha, headed home and rest awhile . Super tired, for no reason ! Hahaha, okay . Prepared myself and meet Ger they all ! As usual, headed for dinner ~ Lalalas, and nowhr to go again .

Walking around, couldnt buy things ! Im suppose to save money, but I bought a racer back ! It's so green :DD I lik ! Okay, then saw Yiqin, chatted awhile and send May to bus-stop le ~ Saw Yongteck and groups ! Sam was there too ! Anyway, both Ger & Liang send me home again :DD Sleep early, cause Im super tired ! And woke up 9am this morning, tired ~~ Help to prepare the food & headed off to East Coast around 11am :D Brought our own bike there and we saved quite alot uhs ? Food also prepare ourself, haha ~~

Took quite many photos uhs ? Almost 100++ photos ! Haha, majority is mine :x Okay, that's not the main point ! Haha, was sun-tanning ourself and sunblock is useless ~~ Im both red & black now :x Haha, super pain cans !? Okay, till 4 plus . Pack up & left there ~ Send aunt they all home, and finally us back home ! Around 6pm alrdy ~ Ohmygod ! Bath & that feeling was really shiok :x Haha ! Ate dinner around 8 plus ? And Im seriously tired, off to sleep :DD Byeeeeeeeeee !
