Hello ! Me, huixin is back to post again ~ Hahah, my blog is not dead right ? Cause I everyday post blog ma ! Hahaha ~ Im not lazy ? I think I got nthg to do at home ~ Thanks to those ppl who's putting cheques into Standard Chartered Bank, we got nthg to do ! So, working time become shorter and shorter ! And, we get to go home very the early uhs . And hors, lesser OT ! Hurhur ~ But this shall be ending I think ? Cause today quite late ? I mean later then normal timing uhs . Okay, shall stop my rubbish and nonsense ~~
Friday, February 27, 2009
Hello ! Me, huixin is back to post again ~ Hahah, my blog is not dead right ? Cause I everyday post blog ma ! Hahaha ~ Im not lazy ? I think I got nthg to do at home ~ Thanks to those ppl who's putting cheques into Standard Chartered Bank, we got nthg to do ! So, working time become shorter and shorter ! And, we get to go home very the early uhs . And hors, lesser OT ! Hurhur ~ But this shall be ending I think ? Cause today quite late ? I mean later then normal timing uhs . Okay, shall stop my rubbish and nonsense ~~
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hey hey you you :x ! Hahahah ~ Im back again ! Ytd didnt get to post, not because Im home late or Im lazy . Cause RuiSong ( kor's friend ) is using the computer, for the whole night . Hahaha, it's okay (: So I went to sleep :x Okayokay, ytd was Eve's last day ! Hurhur, gonna have lunch alone, ( or else with guowei ? ) Well, it's gonna be weird if we two go to lunch together, without other ppl, rumours will spread ~~ Okay ! Anyway, actually I wasnt going to work ytd, cause I feel lik acc-ing JH to RP, but but but . I went to work instead of acc-ing him, sorry uhs ! Well, korkor acc him thr uhs, hahaha :x Replacement ! Lalala, lunch was Fish soup, same as guowei ( -.- ) ! Anyway ~ Acc Eve go collect her Chicken Pie, total 60 pies ! And i dont eat pie actually ! Hurhur ~ Okay, so I didnt eat ! Back to office, then work work work, zZz.... During lunch, heard something and I was like, har ? Hmmm, that's reality uhs . Well, I'll just listen and keep quiet :x Cause I cnt say anything uhs ? Lalalala, and took photos . But I dont feel lik uploading :x Cause I dont feel lik ! Okay, ytd went home and had dinner at house downstair . Headed home and watch tv, and and and hors ~ Thr's so many patient at home now ! Daddy & both brothers sick ~ Poor JH, will he be next :x ? Cause he stay at home with them ! Well, he say he'll take care :x Hahah, today work was quite alright ? Eve wasnt around, abit quiet uhs ~~ Hahahahah . And 8pm home ~ Dont feel lik texting so many text, save some energy for tmr ! Tmr is FRIDAY, ( *happy* ) ! Lunch will be Sushi treat from Lucy, Advance birthday treat ! Haha, and night will be dinner with Shirley :D Okayokay, wanna write down some schedule for coming weeks, hahaha ! Stay tuneeeeee, byeeeeee <3>
* 28 Feb, Outing with BFGF !
* 1 March, Wedding Dinner ~
* 8 March, Gathering @ Grandma House (:
* 11 March, MY BIRTHDAY !
* 12 March, Out with Juan ? ( pending... )
* 14 March, Collegues gathering @ my house !
* 15 March, Outing with XGBFF <3>
* 16 March, TongFang Birthday !
Well, somebody alrdy wished me a Happy Birthday alrdy !
Thanks Kelvin Ng Zhi Yong, I'll be 1st to wish you too !<3>
Look carefully, thr's two rainbow
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I miss my old hair ~~
HELLO ! I get to post again today, cause Im home early, earlier ~ Hahaha, well ! Morning, quite fun ~ Discussing abt my birthday ! 14march, collegues gonna come my house and help me celebrate a belated birthday ! Hahah, and my weekends for the following 3 weeks is booked ~ Okayokay, with XGBFF, BFGF, Family & Collgues :DD But, Im actually free on my Birthday, actual day ! March11 ~ Date me out ? Hahah, I very tired uhs ~ I wanna sleep le, byeeeeee ! Bytheway, I wanna buy the LG IceCream Phone <3>
which gonna be the same as XGBFF's ? Hahah .
Monday, February 23, 2009

Im back ! Hahaha, today get a chance to post blog ( suprise ! ) ! Cause today's volume is low low low low low low low ~~ Hahaha :x Okayokay, monday blueeeeee uhs ! Haha, tired mood during work ~ Jean is not gonna come to work anymore ba ? zZz, lucky I got the rest of my collegue ~ Okayokay ! Ytd went to Vivo with JH, zZz ~ Dont knw for what ? Hahah, zZzZzZzZz... Totally like, walking around . Went to Toy 'R' Us, play around and laugh and laugh, haha ! Lalala, headed to City Hall instead . Well, walking around lik idiots I swear ! Hahaha ~ Okay, and we did something stupid ! Hahahah, the photo below shall show ~

Hahahaha, super lame right ? zZz, but that made us laugh lik idiots :x Okayokay, hurhur ~ Hmmm, then went to food court for food, nicenice ! Lalala, then anyhow walk . Walk here walk thr, hahah :x Walk till Ferry Wheels ! Then, we lost our way :x Well, still not that stupid ! Manage to find our way out ~ Went to bus stop, and the bus should arrive ToaPayoh . But we alight at Bugis, cause it's nearer ! Hahaha, walk pass the Bugis Street and bought a watch each, $20 gone ! Hurhur ~ Well, reach bus stop the bus arrived alrdy :x Took bus 12 back home, super tired cans !? Hurhur ~ Bath and went to sleep ! Morning wasnt late, but early ~ Hahaha, tired again again :x Well, lunch actually wanna buy Baked Rice de . But, the shop no longer there, zZzZz ! So bought Mac instead ! Lalala, super nice :x Cause Im hungry ma ! Hahahah, sat beside Shirley ~ Chat and laugh :x And And And, I keep drop things today ! Phone, pen, Mp3 and paper too :x Hahaha, we thought today will end late . But who knows, 7.55pm everyone finish work ! Headed to interchange, bought 2 clothes for $16 ! Quite cheap la hor :x Hahahah, then home ~ Ate chaoguotiao, and Im quite suprise that the uncle still rmb me, hahah ! Then home :x Lalalal, tmr is Tuesday, nthg much uhs ~ Hurhur ! Byeeeeeeeeee, off to sleeeeeeeep <3>
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today is sunday, which means I have to post my blog alrdy ! Hahaha . Sorry for not updating uhs . For Friday night, I stayed at home, zZz ! That's not the main point uhs, haha . Saturday ! Hahah, means ytd la :x Wake up around 10 plus ? Still quite tired uhs, zZz ! Im late to meet XGBFF & LH :x Haha, okayokay . Prepared myself and meet XGBFF, then headed to East Point . Meet LH thr, and ohmygod ! Thr's super super lots of people over thr ~~ Hahah, and we are among the, crowds ! Haha . Okay, back to main point ! Saturday why will attract crowds in East Point ? Cause, S.H.E is coming ! Haha, the queue for the autograph is super super long please ! Till MRT station ~ Well, we didnt join the queue uhs . Lucky LH's friends ( momo ) is infront, 1st row ! Haha . So, handed my camera to him, haha ! He help me take all the photos, thanks ahs :D Ate Long John for lunch, super long queue too :x But we still manage to get a sit and eat . Hahah, after that join in the crowds, ohmygod ! Super smelly, cause everyone is sweating ! Okayokay, standing thr waiting for S.H.E . Stand thr for around 2 hours ? Hahaha . And poor me and XGBFF, we wear high heels ! Hahaha, leg very the pain ah ~ Everything ends around 4pm ? Haha, but S.H.E still signing for the Fans, hahahaha ! Thanks LH friend, momo for all the photos ! Hahah, till battery flat uhs, but thanks :D Well, left thr and took bus 9 . BUT, it's going the wrong direction uhs :x Hahahaha, so alight at the Bedok thr and took bus back to TPJC thr, it's not the end yet . We are suppose to alight at TPJC right ? BUT, we didnt stop the bus driver ~ So we alight one stop after TPJC, and walk back home ! Haha, super blur cans !? Anyway, LH come my house and goodbye to XGBFF ! Hahah, bathed and prepare to leave :x But still managed to charge my camera battery for awhile . Hahaha ~ Okay, and left home ! Today is Grandma Lunar Birthday, and SF Eng Birthday ! So, gathering at Hotel, haha ~ Daddy fetch us go, which means Mommy, Zhong, Korkor, LH & Han . Haha, driver :x Lalala, reach thr and we are the last to reach ! Cause we waited for daddy to finish work uhs . Okay, get ourself a chair and off we go for buffet food . Haha, eat rice and it's still quite okay uhs ~ Hahaha, and everything ends around 9pm ? Hurhur, took photos till my camera went flat again . Hmmm, reach home and didnt want to sleep ! Plan movie and we really went for movie, hahaha ~ Went to watch the Valkyrie ? Together with SBB, LH, Zhong & Han . Zhong fall asleep sia ! And me myself almost fall asleep, but Han keep ask me dont sleep . Hahah, so didnt sleep uhs ~ The show last till around 2am ? Hahah, we disturb Zhong while waking him up after movie ~ Well, the show wasnt that nice uhs, zZz ! Maybe cause it's not suitable for me ba, hahaha ~ Okay, slack awhile around Starbuck thr . And cab home with Zhong & Han, $5.40 sia, zZz ! Well, bath and went to sleep ! Now is 12pm, and Im going out soon soon soon, hahahahaha :x Going Vivo and Sentosa, gonna take alot alot alot of photos, so people, stay tune uhs :DDD
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Lunar Birthday to me :D
Today is thursday, so tmr gonna be friday, hahaha ! Anyway ~ As usual, she didnt come again . Expected uhs, hais . Anyway, sat beside Eve again . Cause Xuemei counter, then I alone uhs . Okayokay, lunch with Eve, Sharon & Adelyn . TM foodcourt again, zZz ! Ate Minced Pork Noodles, nice ! But I didnt eat finish uhs :x Hahah . Back to work, HONEY MILKTEA ! Haha, Shirley bought mango milktea for me too . Nice please ~~ Hahaha . Ohmygod, but Im super full I swear ~ Sat beside Shirley then . Chatted with her, and big big thanks to her ! My problem is solved :D Hahaha, and today work ends at 6.30pm ? Haha, super early I swear ~~ Ohmy ! Okay, received a phone call from mommy . Telling me today is my Lunar Birthday ! Haha, and so coincidence ! We plan to go for dinner together with Collegues :D Well, acc Eve go G2000 to buy some clothings . After that, headed for dinner ! Went to Shin Toyko Sushi for dinner . Hahaha, look super nice pleasee ~ Ohmygod ! Well, started to eat 1st . W/out Shirley & Leehoon, cause they haven finish work yet . So me, Eve, Doris & Sharon started eating ! Haha, took this and that, like hungry ghost ~ Haha, and Eve told the waiter today is my birthday ! Hahah, they treat us waffle with ice-cream ! Cool please, and the chef prepares something special for us ! Fried Salmon Skin, haha . Anyway, this meal is a treat from Doris, thanks ! Super super full, I swear ~ Lalala, headed home alone . And watch the 9pm drama series ~ Then post blog now :D Photos uploaded ! Tmr is friday, theme is Colour-matching ! 2 colour match ~ Hahaha, what should I wear uhs ? Hmm, let me think . For weekends, Im booked alrdy ! Byeeeeeeeee :D
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tic-Tac-Toe !

HELLOS ! Im finally back :x Sorry for not posting ! Cause im getting lazier & lazier ~ Haha, okayokay ! Monday work till 9pm ? Jean didnt attend work again, *pissed ? But it's okay, bus home and i forget what I do ! Haha, tuesday ~ Wake up around 10am ? Tired ! Anyway, watch 小娘惹 at PPStream . Haha, seriously nice, ohmygod ~ And, Im also watching now . Hmmm, okayokay ! Ate breakfast cum lunch, korkor bought for me ! Mommy wasnt working too, hahah ~ And today is the release of the result, of appealing the course . My application was unsuccessful ! bloodyhell ~ So, gotta go down to the school and apply, for the last time . Hurhur ~ Well, went to prepare around 1 plus ? Met Han, and went to ITE College East . zZz, we dont know how to apply ! Hahah . Went to look for XGBFF, she having her CCA . And saw Lu they all ~ Headed to Foodcourt, acc him eat . OHMYGOD, HE MADE A JOKE ( same as me ) ! Okay, shall not say out uhs ~ Hmmm, applied and left the school then . zZz ! Gotta wait till April then know whether I get into the course, so long ~ Anyway, head to IKEA after that ! Hahaha, quite funny uhs ? Bought only sushi, zZz . Actually wanna buy a photo frame de, but change my mind instead ~ Back home, and mommy cook dinner ! Haha, nicenicenice ~ Disturbing him abt the joke, -.- ! Okayokay, end of that . Hmmm, was resting and watching korkor playing mahjong ! Nthg else, zZz . Today went back to work, Jean didnt go again, zZz ! Hmmm, why ah ~ Anyway ! Lunch with Eve & Adelyn, haha ~ Exchange their number while sending them the program for the PPStream . Haha, and sit together with Eve today . Hahah, so funny . At least they keep me awake, if not Im sleepy ~~ Hmmm, and work today ends at 7pm ! Hahaha . It's getting earlier and earlier ? Hahah ! Went to grandma house, for dinner ~ Hahah, the fish is yummy ! Then headed home, change blogskins ~ Hahah . Im always changing, zZz...
Okay, done with my post ! Off to sleep, tmr working again . Will she come ?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
- deleted !
Pervious had alrdy been deleted, due to some reason, zZz . Dont bother to explain anymore, it's useless -.- Anyway ! Actually ytd I stayed overnight at XGBFF house ~ Hahaha, ate dinner at her house, blablabla ~ Was chatting & posting blog, then finally on bed ! But continue to chat on the bed, haha ! Till 1am I think ? Not very sure uhs . Morning wake up around 11 plus ? Im still tired :( Brush my teeth, waited for her mum to buy breakfast, ohmygod ! Althought it's jus beehoon, it's still nice (: Hahah . Okay, chatted awhile and went home then . Help Doris, Eve, Shirley & Guowei download song, haha ! Some quite nice, so put in my own mp3 too :D Okayokay, till 4 plus ? Headed to Temple with Zhong, zZz ! The weather is, bloody hot ~ Hahaha . Meet mommy, and left thr . Bus to Tampines Interchange, eat foodcourt ! Blabla ~ Headed to shopping after that ! Haha, bought 2 clothes . I pay myself :( And help mommy with her searching of shoe, which too super long, -.- ! Hahah . And oh-so finally she's done ! Called Daddy and he fetch us home ~ But now, left me & Zhong at home only, zZz... Well, gonna go bath & watch show later on ! With tidbits & soft drinks, now waiting for me ! Hahaha, byeeeeee :D
Oh btw, Tuesday Im not working ~ Tell you guys tmr ! <3>
Pervious had alrdy been deleted, due to some reason, zZz . Dont bother to explain anymore, it's useless -.- Anyway ! Actually ytd I stayed overnight at XGBFF house ~ Hahaha, ate dinner at her house, blablabla ~ Was chatting & posting blog, then finally on bed ! But continue to chat on the bed, haha ! Till 1am I think ? Not very sure uhs . Morning wake up around 11 plus ? Im still tired :( Brush my teeth, waited for her mum to buy breakfast, ohmygod ! Althought it's jus beehoon, it's still nice (: Hahah . Okay, chatted awhile and went home then . Help Doris, Eve, Shirley & Guowei download song, haha ! Some quite nice, so put in my own mp3 too :D Okayokay, till 4 plus ? Headed to Temple with Zhong, zZz ! The weather is, bloody hot ~ Hahaha . Meet mommy, and left thr . Bus to Tampines Interchange, eat foodcourt ! Blabla ~ Headed to shopping after that ! Haha, bought 2 clothes . I pay myself :( And help mommy with her searching of shoe, which too super long, -.- ! Hahah . And oh-so finally she's done ! Called Daddy and he fetch us home ~ But now, left me & Zhong at home only, zZz... Well, gonna go bath & watch show later on ! With tidbits & soft drinks, now waiting for me ! Hahaha, byeeeeee :D
Oh btw, Tuesday Im not working ~ Tell you guys tmr ! <3>
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Now I know, it changes...
Hahah, for both Thursday & Friday, went to Huisa's Chalet . Hmm, happy or sad ? I cnt describe well, cause my mood changes now . And and and, Im running out of patience nowadays, really ! They are using those professional camera, but mine is jus lik, cheap ? I feel awkard uhs, didnt even dare to bring my camera out . Hmmm, Im getting worst ! Dont knw why, maybe cause everything is changing, so do I ? Anyway, stayed overnight at the chalet till today morning . Poor James, gotta pack the things & clear up before checking out . Left the chalet with Shangfen 1st, haha ! Both of us are seriously lazy to bus home, so intended to cab . But in the end, bus home :x
Okay, today is valentine day !
I actually intended to stay at home, but that's aint my style uhs ? Haha, headed out with XGBFF & friends today ! I thought it's gonna be weird, but it isnt uhs ? Hahah, anyway ! Meet XGBFF & her friend, Lu . Headed to Tampines Stadium for RBC ! Meet her another friend too, weilun . Then eat eat eat, and i broke record :x I only ate 3 plate ! Haha, it's not normal me ~ Anyway ! Headed to town and walk around ~ It's not really weird, cause they quite friendly ? Walking on the streets, see alot of couple around . Girls with roses on their hand, OHMYGOD . Totally, envy !
Blablabla ~ Slack around Heeren & headed home with XGBFF, with bus 518 ! Chatting with XGBFF, about alot . Her, him, and even them . Anyway, time really will shows everything uhs ? It's seriously true, zZz ! Anyway, no time for those nonsense . Times gonna fly and me, gonna start school . And most imptly, new friends ! Hahah ~ 1more hour, and valentine day gonna be over ! Hahaha, sound so evil :x
And And And ! Both 5th aunt & 7th aunt will help me book chalet on my birthday ! HAHAHA . Im so happy, cause the previous post spoil my mood . I thought I couldnt celebrate my 18 birthday ~ Cause mommy dont want me to . I didnt know that someone is so guilty, thinking that im saying her, zZz ! Wah, seriously ah .
Okay, today is valentine day !
I actually intended to stay at home, but that's aint my style uhs ? Haha, headed out with XGBFF & friends today ! I thought it's gonna be weird, but it isnt uhs ? Hahah, anyway ! Meet XGBFF & her friend, Lu . Headed to Tampines Stadium for RBC ! Meet her another friend too, weilun . Then eat eat eat, and i broke record :x I only ate 3 plate ! Haha, it's not normal me ~ Anyway ! Headed to town and walk around ~ It's not really weird, cause they quite friendly ? Walking on the streets, see alot of couple around . Girls with roses on their hand, OHMYGOD . Totally, envy !
Blablabla ~ Slack around Heeren & headed home with XGBFF, with bus 518 ! Chatting with XGBFF, about alot . Her, him, and even them . Anyway, time really will shows everything uhs ? It's seriously true, zZz ! Anyway, no time for those nonsense . Times gonna fly and me, gonna start school . And most imptly, new friends ! Hahah ~ 1more hour, and valentine day gonna be over ! Hahaha, sound so evil :x
And And And ! Both 5th aunt & 7th aunt will help me book chalet on my birthday ! HAHAHA . Im so happy, cause the previous post spoil my mood . I thought I couldnt celebrate my 18 birthday ~ Cause mommy dont want me to . I didnt know that someone is so guilty, thinking that im saying her, zZz ! Wah, seriously ah .
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

HELLO ! My mood today is, high high high & low low low :x Hahah . Blabla ! Wake up earlier then the past few days, cause mommy wake me up, zZz ! But it's okay, I still have time to settle my phone bill ~ Withdraw $200 for mommy, & $40 for me . Left $1000 in my bank :( Hurhur ! Reach thr, mood like quite weird ? Lalala, lunch together with Eve & Guowei, hahah ~
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Im loving my life now :)

Today work ended quite early ! Hahahah, all three banks end early ~ In fact, SCB is the last to finish :x Hurhur ! Okayokay . Jean didnt attend work again, zZz ! Girl, think properly. Is this the only choice for you to choose ? I dont think so ah uhs. You asked for advise, and we gave. But you are avoiding it. Think carefully, it's a matter of life.
PS:You dont understand my situation. Im the center person, you know?
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's time to let go, my dear ?

Hahahah, Im back back back ! Sunday went to 7th Aunt house ~ Quite bored actually . Till SBB & LH came, haha . Chit-Chatting about our FirstLove, & Of cause 1st Kiss :x Hahah, SBB's is boring, zZz ! LH's still not bad ~ Hahah, I love chatting with them ! Super fun & interesting, I love them :DDD Okayokay !
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