Tuesday, December 30, 2008
. Having bad flu :(
. Checking cheques whole day !
. Lunch @ CS food junction :D
. Ate BanMian, no nice ~
. Almost late to punch in :x
. Continue checking cheques -.-
. Sms with Bibi <3
. Crapping with Jean !
. Went home earlier :x
. Bad flu still on :(
. Bought screen protector, zZz !
. Lousy brand, >.< !
. Headed home, sick ~
. Fish Soup for dinner :)
. Home, rest !
. Sleep now :DDD
. Tmr countdown !
. With ???
Monday, December 29, 2008
. Reach office @ 9am, zZz ~
. Dozing off while working !
. Lunch with Min ~
. Eat while work :(
. Crap with Jean & Xuemei ~
. Sms with Jean :x
. Joke with Min !
. Eat baked rice for dinner :)
. Bus home !
. Sleep soundly, zZzZzZz......
Sunday, December 28, 2008
. Clear my table :)
. Mop the floor, for the first time !
. Vacuum my room ~
. Packed my clothes !
. Wash clothes :D
. Meet family @ 201 for dinner
. Crap & joke with them !
. Walk Pasa Malam :)
. Ate tibits !
. Watch 不良笑花 :DDD
. Ate Cockles !
. Meet GF :D
. Msg Bibi <3
I miss Bibi pleaseeeeeeeee :(((
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hellos ! Im back alrdy ~ Hahahahaha . Im super happy today ! Meet up with XGBFF, then went to buy ingredient ! After that take-away food back home and starts to prepare after we eat . Hahaha ~ zZz ! Bibi went movie with Jay, so he came later . And we totally fail pleaseeeeeeee ~ The cookies is not cooked ! And lucky daddy came back and rescue our cookies ! Well, after rescue our cookies is nice okays ! Gave Bibi a small container and I gave him the cookies, hahaha ~
Till 4 plus then Yazi came, zZz ! He's super funny pleaseee ~ Cause I keep disturb him, hahaha ~ And didi join in too, zZz ! But he's not so petty like somebody, (......) ! Hahaha ~ Bla ! Anyway, everything end around 7 plus I think ~ Then went to bath, prepare myself ~ Pass Bibi his Present, wahhlaooos ! He forget bring :( Nvm, tmr meeting him again ! Hahah ~ & both yazi & XGBFF also didnt bring my present ! Hurhur ~ Well, Juan came and passed me present ! Hahaha ~ Thanks girls !
Alright, parted with them :( And headed to Grandma house for gift exchange ! Hahah ~ Gave meimei her present, and I receive a Mickey mouse Tees from Sally ! Thanks uhs ~ And SF bought me a Shirt from Malaysia too :DDD ! Lastly, Berlin gave me a $20 Converse voucher, hahah ! Thanks everyone ~ But Im more qidai for XGBFF, yazi and of cause Bibi's present ~~ Lalalalala ! Joking around with SBB & LH, they bully me :( Hahah, but it's really fun ! Consider as gathering uhs (:
Now Im finally back home uhs ~~ Super tired pleaseeeeeeee ! Poor me, tmr gotta work :( But Tmr is Friday, so Jeans & Tees ! Hahahaha ~ Off to sleep, byeeeeeeee ! I miss Bibi alrdy !

Hellos everyone ! Im back posting alrdy ~ Apologise for not posting alright ! Hahaha . Alright, On the 21st, I went to Malaysia ! One-day-trip uhs . Together with family, haha ! Super fun I swear ~ Hahaha, alright . Went for breakfast first, and my name called SHARE ! haha, dont intend to explain :x Hmmm, then headed to a Temple, the views there was pretty nice pleasee !I'll upload the pictures alright (: Anyway, headed to somewhere else, not very sure is where uhs . Hahah, didnt went down the bus and cam-whore with Carmen, simply mad pleasee ! Ohmygod ~ We are laughing like hell uhs !
Oh ya, we went to ostrich farm, ohmygod pleaseeee ! I ate ostrich meat, but still alright uhs . It taste nothing :x Hahaha ! Shopping there was sucks pleasee, cause the Jusco only have 2lvl, zZz ! And all shop can be found in Singapore too uhs ~ zZz ! Anyway, I can back with 90Ringat sia ~ Waste money, change so much money to Malaysia and I didnt get to spend all ! Hurhur ~ Hmmm, anyway ! Lucky we only went there for one day ! Cause I couldnt text message out to Singapore at all, zZz ~ Reach home around 11pm, zZz ! Bloody tired pleaseee ~ And monday went to work as usual !
Hurhur ~ OT till around 10plus I think ? Really very tired ! But joke and laugh with collegue, much much better ! Hahaha ~ They wanna throw me down the building, :( ! Joking only uhs ! Hahaha ~ Okay, skip till yesterday Christmas Eve ! Hahahaha ~ Went to work as usual, zZz ! And we gift exchange after lunch, hahahs ! I got Leehoon's, a house phone, with a Coke can shape ! Hahaha, super cute pleaseee ~ But I exchanged with Jean . She got a necklace from Doris, haha ! And doris get my present ~ Body shop's Strawberry shampoo set . Lucky she like, haha ~
And around evening, party time ! We got log cake, cookies, curry puff, chicken pie, and even wine ! Hahaha ~ Super fun pleaseee ! Me, Jean & Xuemei was chatting and laughing away uhs ~ And and and ! Sherlie got the best present, hahaha :x She got Pauline's couple watch ! But I know she doesnt seems to be happy, hahahaha ~ Eve got Jean's, and she wants mine, hahaha ~ Anyway, headed home around 8 plus ? Bath and went to RC meet auggy ! Passed him his present, hope he like it uhs :D
After that head to Family chalet, Aranda Country club ! Quite fun, cause we played the game something like twister ! Hahah, everyone's position is really funny ~ And Lady's won ! Hahaha ~ Chatted with Bibi on the phone, hahaha ! Super funny, cause we keep talk rubbish ! After that, korkor went home 1st . And I fall asleep, hahaha ! All the way till 7am, bus home ! Walk out together with Shangfen, hahaha ~ And Im super tired now ! I only sleep for 4 hours :( Later meeting XGBFF, yazi and Bibi :DD ! Baking cookies 1st and maybe to beach ? At night gonna be at Grandma house, gift exchange among cousin ! Hahaha ~
Alright, I gotta go off alrdy ! Maybe take a nap ? Im super tired ! And I haven buy ingredient for the cookies ~ And my house is so messy, I gonna pack now ! If not later Bibi sure say I lazy to pack . Hahah, maybe will upload photo ? Byeeeeeeeeee (:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee, off for family chalet !
Super fucking pissed, zZz ~~
Merry Christmas everybody :DD
I miss Bibi :(
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I jus want chrismas to reach now (:
I want you to love me,
cause I think I love you ?
Friday, December 19, 2008

Im back to post again (: Hahahaha ! Counting down 5 more days to Christmas :DD Super super happy mood uuhs ! Cause Im alrdy planning where to go and what to do uhs ~ Hahaha ! Anyway, Friday night stayed at home ~ Cause Im lazy to go out, and no where to go too ! Tmr gonna bake cookies with XGBFF, hope it will pass ! Anyone wanna be the 1st to try ? Hahaha ! Guess nobody except Yiqin uhs :x He's willing, if it's not poison !
Lalalala, past few days had been working working working lor ~ Quite tired, but it's getting more fun ! Hahaha ~ Im getting better and better with them ! Today, xuemei cook tea-leave egg (: Super nice pleaseeee ! And she seems to know how to cook everything ~ They are preparing lunch together next monday ! Each person prepare a dish to share, but Im not in . Cause I dont cook uhs :x zZz ! And Tuesday Pizza treat from eve, hahah ~ Btw, jean took my number , haha . Which I dont know from what ? zZz ! Hope she dont prank call me :x
zZz ! Searching hardly for Butter Cookies Recipe -.- Finally I get one ! Hope it will be nice uhs ? Hahaha ~ Alright, off to sleep alrdy ! Im tired pleaseeeeeeeee ~
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I WANNA ....
I wanna smile widely,
I wanna focus on smthg,
I wanna sleep well,
I wanna stop thinking,
But I just cant :(
Monday, December 15, 2008
Anyway, headed to IT mall and look for weiwen, hurhur ~ Couldnt find him, so went to Swensen instead ! Hahaha, YiQin treat, thanks uhs ~~ Lazy to post pictures, but I really enjoyed myself ! Althought problems not solved, Im still happy ((: Thanks XGBFF, yazi and not forgetting MrTanYiQin ! Hahaha . Help weiwen took number, omg ! She's not really that pretty uhs ? And she rejected uhs, zZz ! Anyway ! MRT back to Tampines with XGBFF, YiQin send us, If not we two sure lost our way :x Hahaha !
Anyway, back home and hide inside my blanket ! Hurhur ~ 8pm Im alrdy asleep, and Im having fever ! Nobody knows :x Mommy still scold me ~ She says : I bring nothing but troublt ~ And she thinks that I purposely make myself sick so I dont have to work, what the hells uhs, zZz ! So be it then ? Nahs ~ Cried till tired, I fall asleep . Frankly, I dream of him . I dream that he came to take care of me, but it's not him . It's daddy )): Im jus dreaming, indeed it's dreaming !
Thanks : YiQin, ShangFen, Baonan, LimHwee, PeiJuan, XGBFF & Carmen !
He has moved on, you should too . He can live w/out you, so can you . Dont think too much, give yourself some times, ok ? Just keep thinking he's a jerk that breaks ppl heart . You would get someone better then him, dont worry !
Xinxin . The more you scare de more you won't be able to 4get . Don't be scare . You can do it, Jiayou ! I can be there for you, I won't let you break down so easily . In front of me , you don't have to be strong . Just be yourself (:
Love is just a visitor, this visitor will brings you different kind of pain, and happiness. Everyone fall in love is to learn something from this relationship . I know its pain. But when you get over you will laugh at what are you crying over now . Please be strong !
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Samsung F480 !
Headed home and start to charge my phone ! 8hr, from 5pm till 1am, ohmygod . I gotta wait till 1am then can sleep :z Anyway, tmr going sentosa with yiqin, XGBFF & yazi ! Hope I enjoy, cause Im having flu now ! Hurhur ~~ And backache is still not alright yet :(( ! Off to rest now, byeeeeeeeeeeee :DDDD
Hahaha, Im seriously mad about this phone uhs ! Tmr Im going sentosa, gonna take alot alot of photos pleaseeee ~~ And Im sick actually :(( Ytd night running fever, and whole body ache like hell ! Ate med and went to sleep after that ~ Today wake up at 8am, dont knw why ~ Stomach pain I guess ? Hurhur ! Later gonna buy phone and start to shop for christmas ! Hahaha, I dont knw what to buy for BFGF & Yiqin :x zZz !
Tonight gonna attend mommy's friend birthday party, -.- ! I'll be busy sending songs & pictures from W580i to my Samsung G400 ! Poor W580i, gotta be handed to mr FOOZHIZHONG ! And everybody knows, he treat real phone like a toy phone ~ Poor W580i :(( But no choice uhs ! Hurhur ~ Hope he treat my poo phone wells, zZz ... Alright ! Off to write diary, hahah, byeeeeeeeeeeeee :DDD
Somebody told me :
Like dat only run away from the matter . You see arh, you still like him or sad becoz of him . But he dun really care coz he gt new std le . And he living in happinese while u living in miserable wad for sioh, dun say i like wad la xD ! But to me he only toying wif the gurl only like playing wif dem . That's why a lot ppl dun like him sioh, dun sae i wad arh i only talking the truth .
Maybe he's right ? I shdnt be caring about his things anymore . Let go, I said before, and now Im letting go alrdy . Am I sad, I hope not ?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hellos ! Sorry for not posting the last few days ~ Cause my computer was down ! Currently using daddy's laptop ! And shall post a short one, cause I haven bath yet, zZz ! Work work work, simply super tired please ! Tuesday OT till 11pm then go home, super tired please ~~ And next day, means wednesday uhs, super tired please ! Dozing off while typing ~ But quite fun, cause I learn new things :DD Is to check all the cheques with $200,000.00 value !
And today, I reach there early :D ! Many people didnt come today, zZzz ~~ Jean went overseas, monday then back ! Sharon & Lucy both took 1week leave, back next week ! So tmr again Im gonna work like shit :x Hahah, but Sherily & Eve came back alrdy ! Hohohohs ~ And today is my pay day ! Hahahaha, I get around $570 ? Cause it's only from 17nov till 10nov ! Dec's pay will be in on January uhs ? It will be twice pleaseeeeeee ! Hahaha ~
Anyway, gonna buy my phone on Saturday ! Mommy gonna help me sign a new line, which ahd be around $15 per month ? And the phone only cost me $ 218 :DDD ! But I gotta pay $15 every month :( It's okay, for the sake of my phone ! Hahahaha ~~ Gift buying this saturday too ! Hohoho ~ Sunday sentosa trip :DDD ! Hope it does not rain uhs ? Lalalala, off to bath ! Tmr is friday, hahahaha ~ I love friday :D !
So, it's not true uhs ?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Not interested in material things
Has a sharp memory
Emotional and sensitive
Prone to wistfulness
Has mood swings
Pisces people are not much interested in the material things of life and are not the ones to run after money. It's not that they are against riches, but they are more aware of its impermanence. They are not greedy about anything, least of all wealth. A Piscean has an easy carelessness about tomorrow. Pisces display either of the two basic personalities traits - going with the flow or against it. They will either go where the current takes them or fight against it.
Only if they choose the latter one, will they be truly happy and satisfied with their life. When they manage to do this, they are sure to reach the highest echelons of success. A Piscean characteristics profile exhibits loads of charm and a very easygoing attitude. He is not bothered by restrictions, as long as he has the right to dream and live his own life. Radical opinions do not stimulate him at all, nor do insults make him agitated. Very few things compel him to lose his temper. When a Pisces does get angry, it is better to stay away.
He can give the most sarcastic comments, be extremely rude and lash you with a scathing tongue. The best part is that the anger seldom lasts long and he will be his usual placid self again. When he sees the world, his eyes seem to be covered with rose-colored spectacles. Pisceans live in the world of their own, even when they are completely aware of the rough side of humanity. In their world, everyone is good and everything is beautiful. They have a very sharp memory and tend to remember the minutest of details.
When we give a description of Pisces personality, one of the basic traits that come in mind is its soothing stability. Even in the worst of storms, a Piscean will never panic and will maintain his poise. He has a good intuition and if he tells you not to go out of the house on a particular day, it is better to stay indoors. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents death and eternity. It has a blend of the qualities of all the other zodiacs. It is because of this fusion that it becomes very difficult to truly understand a Pisces.
He is a great organizer and pays attention to details (like Virgo), has a fair and detached judgment (like Libra), is sympathetic and moody (like Cancer), displays honesty and kindness (like Sagittarius), loves people and attention (like Leo) and is analytical (like Aquarius). At the same time, he talks very quickly and expertly (like Gemini), is passive and stubborn (like Taurus), can know your deepest secrets (like Scorpio), shows dedication to duty (like Capricorn) and overflows with optimism, innocence and zeal (like Aries).
A Piscean likes to argue, loves nature and holds fierce ambitions. He is deeply interested in music and art. He has great wisdom and is very compassionate towards the weak. He loves to help people in distress and utilizes most of his energy doing this only. You will never know when a Piscean is profoundly hurt. He hides his deepest emotions behind a veil of humor. The humor may be warm and innocent or cold and ruthless. However, it is sure to be a mask for some other emotion, more often than not.
Laughter is his best cover and he will use it wisely. He has compassion for the sick and even tries to understand the feelings of the lonely. Even those who are weak by choice will get Pisces shoulder to cry on. He never judges people and accepts them just as they are. He knows all your vices and virtues, understands them and will still be there if you need him. He wants to help everyone; still most of the people fail to understand the sensitivity of the fish. He absorbs the positive as well as the negative vibrations around him.
The world needs the creativity, imagination and empathy of Pisceans and they know it. Very often, they bury their own dreams to see their loved ones realizing their ambitions. One quality of Pisceans that is very annoying is that they hate to answer questions in a simple 'Yes' or 'No'. Mostly, the answer will be a 'Maybe'. Still, he cares and he lets you know that. He is much stronger and wiser than most of the other people, he only has to realize it. The moment he struggles against the tide, you know he will reach the shore before anyone else.
She wants her man to love her, protect her and take good care of her. She will lean on him completely, showing full confidence in his strength and abilities. This acts like a solid ego boost to almost every male. She will always be a patient listener, with whom you can share all your secret dreams, desires and hopes. She doesn't have a single masculine streak in her and if you are looking for the typical womanly traits, then Pisces girl is the one for you. She is totally feminine, in all the seasons and at all the places.
She can sit adoringly with you, admiring your each and every quality. The warmth of her personality makes most the men relax in an instant and bask in the glory of their manhood. Enough for the initial falling in and courtship period! Now comes the time of marriage and life after that. A Pisces woman nags just like all the other women and she has a bad temper too. In her fury, she can turn bitterly sarcastic. The consolation here is that she is gentle for more periods, than she is nudging and prodding.
Infact, majority of the time, she will be yielding, wistful and all womanly. Her scathing tongue will become loose once in a while only. In case you have found the opposite characteristics profile in a Piscean woman, chances are that she suffered extremely harsh treatment at a very young age and the bitterness will be a result of that trauma only. She has certain subtleness around her and may also become a little deceptive at times. She is not mean; it's just that she feels like keeping certain things to herself only.
Then, the deceptiveness also helps her in keeping you interested in her. A Pisces female is very sentimental and even slightly harsh words can cause her to cry hours at end. You can easily imagine what will happen when you really hurt her feelings. She may imagine herself to totally worthless and incapable of the fighting spirit to survive. Then, you will have to assure her that she is appreciated for her great wisdom, empathy and vast understanding. You know that whatever you are saying is true; it's just a matter of convincing her about the same.
You will have to remove her doubts about herself or she may become too closeted in self-defense. A Pisces girl is very shy, emotional and vulnerable. To protect her susceptibility, she often wears a cloak of wittiness, frigidity and independence. She is afraid of exposing her true self, lest people hurt her in the process. She is a true romantic and secretly yearns for a person who will love her, cuddle her, hug her and make her feel loved and protected. As a mother she may be too permissive and find it difficult to teach discipline.
You may have to teach her the fine balance between controlling and pampering. A Piscean female will sacrifice her own dreams to realize the hopes of her children. She may not be good with finances, but will manage to save money if the situation so desires. She will remember the smallest incidents of your life, so you better remember her birthday and your anniversary. She may become dreamy once in a while, but then she will always be there with you, without being asked to. She is someone you will want to take care of, throughout your life!

hellos ! Im back to post alrdy, hahaha :DD ~ As promised, photo will be uploaded ! Hahah, It's super fun pleasee ~~ It's consider as a gathering for us ba ? Hahaha, it's pretty cool ~ Well, yesterday was kinda fustrated ! Cause mommy spend so long buting didi clothing, then me !? Tmart, 15mins -.- Super bias cans !? Anyway, mood wasnt good till I meet cousin, hahahaha ! Berlin fetch us to Grandma house, gather at there 1st . Then all headed to Bukit Btaok, super far ! And cousin help me to make up, hahaha :x Light make up only, blablabla ! Reach thr was like, haha :x Cause everybody wears dress and smart attire, haha !
Okay, we were siting right infront of the screen -.- Hahaha ! So we gotta do something . That's to pop the popper when the Bride and Groom walk out ! Cool, we took the whole box please ! Hahaha ~ And the Bride come out, she's pretty ! And I know who is them le :x My ahGu ! Hahaha, zZz ~ Anyway, food was nice and photo taking session took place ~ Super messy and fun pleaseeee ! Took super lot, but upload part of it only ! Quite alot alrdy actually ~ Hahah, planning cousin outing next week I think ? Hurhur ~ Zoo, maybe ! And SBB look like my boyfriend :x Cause he sit beside me, and he keep give me food eat ~ He & Limhwee snatching to sit beside me, haha ! Both of them are my very very best cousin pleaseee :DDD
And while the Bride went to every table to take photos, we were very very mad pleasee ! My family, cousins they all occupied 3 table . And we gathered ALL together when the Bride reach any of the 3 table, hahahaha ! Totally attract attention pleasee ! And we went up the stage to take bigbig photo again ~ Super squeezy, and we keep laughing :x Hope I can get the photo and upload it on blog ! Haaha, dinner ended around 10.30pm ? Somebody mention about mahjong session at grandma house, steady ah ! All of us headed to grandma house then :DD
Well, aunt was kind enough to let me use her treatment conditioner ! Haha, was with my shower cap and they laugh at me :( Haha, but nehminds uhs ! I dont mind ~ Hahah, after 30min I wash off . Quite good uhs ? But my hair still look like dead grass ! Hurhur ~ They were playing mahjong, while me & Limhwee watching Show . Cool,SCV got Hot Shot, ep 3 I think ?? And uncle pluck in his lappy, I get to watch Hot Shot, I choose the Ep ! Hohohohos ~ Till 4am then we cab home, super tired pleasee ! And I thought I will late wake up today, but nvr leys ! After 8 hrs of sleep, I wake up :z Lalalala, whatever !
Ohya, that day night I met Xiuyi, hahaah ! Finally we met uhs, pass her the blogshop items she buy ! And we are chatting away ~ Headed to her house then, and chat lik free :x Hahah, went home around 11 plus ? And we realise many things uhs ~ Later Im going Ikea with BFGF, hahahah ! It's like so long nvr meet till auggy ? Hurhur ! He la, keep put us plane -.- Anyway, maybe take photo ? Hohohos, next week Im getting pay alrdy, yeaaaaaaaa ! First, buy phone :DDDD Okay, now heading to rest awhile, Im still tired :( And good news, tmr I dont need to work, cause it's Hari Raya Haji ? Heees :D I have one more day to rest, hahaha ! Im getting sick soon :x Byeeeeeeeeee !
Saturday, December 6, 2008
- Working every Mon to Fri :(
02.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- Battery flat lors >.< !
03.What happened at 10.00am today?
- Nothing, zZz...
04.When did you last cry?
- Last Night ?
05.Believe in fate/destiny?
- Used to, not now ...
06.What do you want in your life right now?
- Samsung G400 & Happiness...
07.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
- Walk in the rains !
08.What is your favourite thing to have on your bed?
- Mr.Bump Cushion :DDD !
09.What bottom are you wearing now?
- FBTs !
10.What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
- Mommy says today going shopping !
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- No way !
12.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- Noppe =.= !
13.What was the last movie you caught?
- High School Musical 3 !
14.What physical features of yourself are you proud of?
- Nothing :x
15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
- (.....) will always cheer xinxin up :DD !
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- 说好的幸福呢 ~
17.Do you have any nicknames?
- xinxin !
18.What does your last recieved text message say?
- Sorry ytd quire sobber, .............. !
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- 2am :x
20.Are you currently happy?
21.Who gives you best advice?
- XGBFF, BFGF & Xiuyi !
22.Do you eat whipped cream out of a can?
- No way, fattening !
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- Nobody leys ~
24.Is anything bugging you right now?
- Many, sighs !
25.What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
- Chatting on the bed with Mommy & didi :DD
26.Who was the last person you you laughed at?
- Daddy !
27.Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- Mommy ?
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken?
- Always ?
29.What annoys you most in person?
- (........)
30.Do you have a crush on anyone?
- Yea :(
31.Have you ever taken cocaine?
- Har, what's that, zZz !
32.What is the colour of your room?
- Blueeeeeeeeeeee !
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
- I mus go jail leys, 0.O !
34.Do you believe in the saying: talk is cheap?
- Maybe ?
35.Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
- Me laaa, zZz !
36.Who was the last person to hug you?
- Him ?
37.Did anyone see the last person that you kissed?
- Of cause, -.- !
38.Do you have a life?
- Do I ?
39.Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't die?
- No laa, -.- !
40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Meaningful lyrics :D
41.Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
- Guanleong !
42.Last time you smiled?
- Just (:
44.What are you listening right now?
- Energy new song :DD
45.Are you talking to someone while doing this?
- Nobody :(
46.Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
- Open la deyy !
47.Is there a quote you lived by?
- Forgive & Forget !
48.Do you want someone you cannot have?
- Yes :(
49.Have you ever played an instrument?
- Piano !
50.What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
- Dont go work :x Hahah !
51.What were you doing last night at 11pm?
- Watching show on net !
52.Are you happy with your love life right now?
- Not at all pleaseee !
53.What song best describe your love life?
- 王子, 对不起
54.Does the person know that you like him/her
- Yups .
55.Who always make you laugh?
56.Do you speak other language other than English?
- Chinese, Hokkien :DDD
57.Favourite website(s)?
- Tagged & Blogger (:
58.What's your middle name
- Hui
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Ikea !
60.What do you think you are like?
- Dreamy Girl !
61.Who will you choose to die with?
- Alone :DD
62.Where you have been today?
- Nowher yet !
63.What game(s) do you play often?
- Dont know, zZz !
64.Who are you missing right now?
65.If you have to choose between friend(s) and love, who will choose?
- Friends :x
66.What are you doing right now
- Loading song into my phone :DD
67.Which primary school are you from?
- Qiaonan, zZz !
68.Name 3 colours that you like?
- Black, White & Pink :DD
69.What emotion do you like to show?
- :(
70.What is your life to you?
- Work & earn money !
71.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- Silent tears :x
72.Who did you last chat in msn?
- Weijie.DEAR !
73.Who do you admire the most?
- Dion :x
74.Which month are you born in?
- March !
75.How are feeling right now?
- Cold ~~
76.What is the time right now?
- 11.10pm
77.Do you miss your ex?
- Yup .
78.What colour do you use to dye your hair?
- Guava Pink, It's brown !
79.Why are you doing this test?
- Nothing better to do !
80.What do you do when you're moody?
- Cry :x
81.At which age do you wish to get married?
- 26 ?
82.Who is more important to you?
- Family !
83.If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
- Nothing ?
84.Who is the person you trust most?
85.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
- Yupyup ! I've seen (:
86.If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
- My phone first !
87.What is your goal for this year?
- Poly !
88.Do you believe in eternal love?
- Not anymore !
89.What feeling do you love most?
- To be loved :DD
90.Do you really think it's global warming right now?
- Yupyup, so hot !
91.What feeling do you hate most?
- To be alone !
92.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- Do I still have ? zZz !
93.Do you believe in god?
- haihao ba ?
94.Who cares for you most?
- Family, XGBFF & BFGF !
95.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Work ?
96.What will you bring when you fight?
- Hammer ! haha :X
97.What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
- Nvr study properly :(
98.What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
- Neglected & lost !
99.What if you boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
- I will let him go, :( !
100.How do you feel now?
- Moodless ?
- Working every Mon to Fri :(
02.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- Battery flat lors >.< !
03.What happened at 10.00am today?
- Nothing, zZz...
04.When did you last cry?
- Last Night ?
05.Believe in fate/destiny?
- Used to, not now ...
06.What do you want in your life right now?
- Samsung G400 & Happiness...
07.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
- Walk in the rains !
08.What is your favourite thing to have on your bed?
- Mr.Bump Cushion :DDD !
09.What bottom are you wearing now?
- FBTs !
10.What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
- Mommy says today going shopping !
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- No way !
12.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- Noppe =.= !
13.What was the last movie you caught?
- High School Musical 3 !
14.What physical features of yourself are you proud of?
- Nothing :x
15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
- (.....) will always cheer xinxin up :DD !
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- 说好的幸福呢 ~
17.Do you have any nicknames?
- xinxin !
18.What does your last recieved text message say?
- Sorry ytd quire sobber, .............. !
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- 2am :x
20.Are you currently happy?
21.Who gives you best advice?
- XGBFF, BFGF & Xiuyi !
22.Do you eat whipped cream out of a can?
- No way, fattening !
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- Nobody leys ~
24.Is anything bugging you right now?
- Many, sighs !
25.What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
- Chatting on the bed with Mommy & didi :DD
26.Who was the last person you you laughed at?
- Daddy !
27.Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- Mommy ?
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken?
- Always ?
29.What annoys you most in person?
- (........)
30.Do you have a crush on anyone?
- Yea :(
31.Have you ever taken cocaine?
- Har, what's that, zZz !
32.What is the colour of your room?
- Blueeeeeeeeeeee !
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
- I mus go jail leys, 0.O !
34.Do you believe in the saying: talk is cheap?
- Maybe ?
35.Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
- Me laaa, zZz !
36.Who was the last person to hug you?
- Him ?
37.Did anyone see the last person that you kissed?
- Of cause, -.- !
38.Do you have a life?
- Do I ?
39.Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't die?
- No laa, -.- !
40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Meaningful lyrics :D
41.Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
- Guanleong !
42.Last time you smiled?
- Just (:
44.What are you listening right now?
- Energy new song :DD
45.Are you talking to someone while doing this?
- Nobody :(
46.Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
- Open la deyy !
47.Is there a quote you lived by?
- Forgive & Forget !
48.Do you want someone you cannot have?
- Yes :(
49.Have you ever played an instrument?
- Piano !
50.What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
- Dont go work :x Hahah !
51.What were you doing last night at 11pm?
- Watching show on net !
52.Are you happy with your love life right now?
- Not at all pleaseee !
53.What song best describe your love life?
- 王子, 对不起
54.Does the person know that you like him/her
- Yups .
55.Who always make you laugh?
56.Do you speak other language other than English?
- Chinese, Hokkien :DDD
57.Favourite website(s)?
- Tagged & Blogger (:
58.What's your middle name
- Hui
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Ikea !
60.What do you think you are like?
- Dreamy Girl !
61.Who will you choose to die with?
- Alone :DD
62.Where you have been today?
- Nowher yet !
63.What game(s) do you play often?
- Dont know, zZz !
64.Who are you missing right now?
65.If you have to choose between friend(s) and love, who will choose?
- Friends :x
66.What are you doing right now
- Loading song into my phone :DD
67.Which primary school are you from?
- Qiaonan, zZz !
68.Name 3 colours that you like?
- Black, White & Pink :DD
69.What emotion do you like to show?
- :(
70.What is your life to you?
- Work & earn money !
71.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- Silent tears :x
72.Who did you last chat in msn?
- Weijie.DEAR !
73.Who do you admire the most?
- Dion :x
74.Which month are you born in?
- March !
75.How are feeling right now?
- Cold ~~
76.What is the time right now?
- 11.10pm
77.Do you miss your ex?
- Yup .
78.What colour do you use to dye your hair?
- Guava Pink, It's brown !
79.Why are you doing this test?
- Nothing better to do !
80.What do you do when you're moody?
- Cry :x
81.At which age do you wish to get married?
- 26 ?
82.Who is more important to you?
- Family !
83.If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
- Nothing ?
84.Who is the person you trust most?
85.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
- Yupyup ! I've seen (:
86.If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
- My phone first !
87.What is your goal for this year?
- Poly !
88.Do you believe in eternal love?
- Not anymore !
89.What feeling do you love most?
- To be loved :DD
90.Do you really think it's global warming right now?
- Yupyup, so hot !
91.What feeling do you hate most?
- To be alone !
92.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- Do I still have ? zZz !
93.Do you believe in god?
- haihao ba ?
94.Who cares for you most?
- Family, XGBFF & BFGF !
95.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Work ?
96.What will you bring when you fight?
- Hammer ! haha :X
97.What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
- Nvr study properly :(
98.What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
- Neglected & lost !
99.What if you boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
- I will let him go, :( !
100.How do you feel now?
- Moodless ?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Alright, short post haoma ? Cause tmr 7.30am must wake up, zzz ! Had to prepare lunch tmr (: It's my turn tmr ! Today's lunch was Fried Rice by simin, nice uhs ~ Blablabla ! As usual, working was getting more and more interesting each day ? The 4 of us keep gang up and gossip about pauline, zZz ! Bloody bastard us, but we just cnt stop uhs :x Hahaha ! And we couldnt control when Doris scold her, infront of us somemore ! Hurhur ~ Doris say she will let me learn sorting someday, finally ahs ! Hahah ~ Pasa Malam ended yesterday, damn it ! Dress I bought ytd dont look nice on me, intended to change today . But it's over, wasted $10 ~~
Ohya, my pay day is 11dec ! HAHAHA ~ One more week pleaseee ! But Im jus getting the pay from 17nov to 30nov :( Hope it's enough for me to buy phone & malaysia trip expenses ! Hohohohos ~~ 21dec going malaysia, one day trip ! Hohoho, gonna shop till mad I swear ! And christmas reaching, best time ~ Hmmm, seems lik I gotta buy many present this year ? Too many gift exchange uhs ! SCB having gift exchange, dont knw what to buy actually, zZz !
Exchanging gift per normal with all cousin, this time roung gonna buy for younger cousin, menghui ! Hahaha, simple laaa ~~ And exchanging gift with many people ! Xingan, Simin, Auggy, Yiqin, Peijuan, hahaha ~ Im gonna go broke ! Lalalalala ~ I want star from the sky ! And a piano teacher to teach me this idiot to play piano ~ Most importantly, teach me how to read music score sheet ! Cause I dont know how to read :( Hurhur ! Anyway, sat gonna have a wedding dinner ~ Dont knw who's ! Mommy ask me go, I go lorrs ~ Hahaha ! And sunday Ikea ~ Gonna buy cushion and bring it to office ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, tmr working again :DDD !
Maybe, I should think carefully ?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hellos December ! Hahah, didnt get to post on the 1st of december, cause OT till 10.30pm :( Super tiired pleaseeee ~ And yesterday SCB was super slow, hurhur ! DBS was so bad ! They finish and they went home, thats all, zZz... Blooody ! Anyway, headed toRC after work, meet auggy and the rest ~ Home around 11 plus ? Hahah, super tired please ! Went home, bath and lights off ~~
Today was kinda alright ? I had fun during work, hahaha ! Cause I jokes with the rest ~ Hahah, together with Jean, Lina & Xuemin ! Hahah, super crazy ~ Disturbing Pauline, zZz ! And we laugh lik mad when Doris scolded her, :x ! Hurhur, but still have to work uhs ! Help DBS, took one big stack, share share among the 4 of us ~ And very fast finish ~~ Around 8 plus end work alrdy ! Hohohos ~
Went shopping at PasaMalam, zZz ! Cause ther's no clothes for me to wear tmr ~~ Bought a dress, hurhur :x Super funny, cause we walk here and there, back and for -.- ! Anyway, bus to RC ~ For dinner, today Auggy attachment till 9pm ! And he cnt meet us cause he got something on ! Nehminds then ~ Walk home with min, hurhur ! And now Im back home ~ Hohohos, good news ! Next monday will be an off day for me, hahah ! Cause it's a public holiday, hahaha ! Means I can sleep late on sunday night ~ And walk up late on monday, great right ~~ Hahaha !! Byeeee, off to sleep, tmr work :(
Im trying to be okay, alright ?
Dont come near me, anymore .