Yang snap me while we are studying together, laughs*
alright, good morning everybody ! Im awake, kinda late :x
ytd ii made auggy angry :( Sorry, but we are fine now, haha !
He's really great man ! Thanks for being so forgiving, xiexie :D
Anyway, walk home with simin&auggy. around 11pm then home ~
Kor was playing mahjong with his friends -.- went to bath, then slp.
Btw, ytd's chemistry was kinda alright ah ? Cause quite ok maaa.
Came out those protons, electrons, & molar mass all these, haha.
But ii studied some like hell, yet none of it came out, damn it -.-
Anyway, it's over laaa ! Laughs* Today will be having English paper !
Having exams till 6.40pm -.- damn laa, then dinner @ coffee shop.
Together with Cliques ~ Hahahah, iim soso sick now :( Weak laa !
Having 2 ulcers in my mouth, making me speak like an alien -.-
Cant speak properly la dey ! Ohhmyy, sadded pleasee ~ Fuck it __ !
Today must eat porriage liiao, cause really very pain ahhs ! haha .
Okay, iim done with the post ! Abit late le now :x
Going prepare lee (: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Then ii realise, human are so selfish .
Yea ? Watever it is, they are jus so selfish .
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Something to do with Love ?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Chemistry Olvl !
Good morning eveybody ! Hahaha, iim awake alrdy ~~
Ytd studied till 12am ? Then went to sleep, hahaha !
Dream about MRT incident -.- Me, Auggy & Simin trapped !
So we did manage to climb out, kinda dramatic laaa :x
Anyway, later will be havin Chemistry Olvl, damn it !
I still dont rmb alot of things :( Later last min revise :x
Hahaha, ii mus jiayoujiayou ! Made a pact with auggy,
if ii get 18 & below, he will give me a treat ! likewise,
if ii didnt, ii will haf to treat him laaa, hahaha, saddd :x
High chance of me treating him a meal, no confidence !
Blablabla ! Tmr having English Paper 1 & 2, damn it ~
Second paper is starting @ 5pm -.- Pray tat dont rain !
If rain, many people would prefer to sleep then exams :x
Yea ? Hahaha, off to study lerr ! Jiayou huixin, hahaha (:
XGBFF, dont worry . I'll tell you everything .
Dont think too much hao ma ? Love you !
Ytd studied till 12am ? Then went to sleep, hahaha !
Dream about MRT incident -.- Me, Auggy & Simin trapped !
So we did manage to climb out, kinda dramatic laaa :x
Anyway, later will be havin Chemistry Olvl, damn it !
I still dont rmb alot of things :( Later last min revise :x
Hahaha, ii mus jiayoujiayou ! Made a pact with auggy,
if ii get 18 & below, he will give me a treat ! likewise,
if ii didnt, ii will haf to treat him laaa, hahaha, saddd :x
High chance of me treating him a meal, no confidence !
Blablabla ! Tmr having English Paper 1 & 2, damn it ~
Second paper is starting @ 5pm -.- Pray tat dont rain !
If rain, many people would prefer to sleep then exams :x
Yea ? Hahaha, off to study lerr ! Jiayou huixin, hahaha (:
XGBFF, dont worry . I'll tell you everything .
Dont think too much hao ma ? Love you !
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Changed skins !
Hahah, iim back alriight ~ Change to this simple skin !
Cause iim lazy to search for other and hafing to edit ~
So this skin will be simple & nice enough for me (:
Ytd went shopping with mami ! Bought 1 tee-shirt (:
Quite nice & it's only $10 ;x haha, sounds lik advertising !
Anyway, Toy'r'us called me ~ Calling me for interview on Thurs .
But ii have exams laa dey, so cannots :( Then they call back !
Hahaha, call me to go for interview after my olvl, they arrange ~
Great laaa, but interview only :( Maybe they dont wan me ?
Anyway, went home and take a nap 1st, damn tiiredd ahh ~
5 plus, daddy came back and we went out for dinner, hahaha !
Supposed to be dinner-ing @ East Coast, but too many ppl le :(
So headed to Bedok 85 in the end, dinner was great laa, damn full !
Drank 2 cup of Sugarcane :x Hahah, back home around 9 plus ba ?
Head to sleep around 11plus ? Hahah, damn damn tiiredd pleasee ~
All the way till morning 10am, hahaha ~ How many hrs haf ii sleep ?
Hmm, 11 to 12, 12 to 1...... total iis 11 hours ! haha, but im still tiired :(
Alright, gonna go preparee & off to RC ! hahaha, dont miss mee deyy :x
Cause iim lazy to search for other and hafing to edit ~
So this skin will be simple & nice enough for me (:
Ytd went shopping with mami ! Bought 1 tee-shirt (:
Quite nice & it's only $10 ;x haha, sounds lik advertising !
Anyway, Toy'r'us called me ~ Calling me for interview on Thurs .
But ii have exams laa dey, so cannots :( Then they call back !
Hahaha, call me to go for interview after my olvl, they arrange ~
Great laaa, but interview only :( Maybe they dont wan me ?
Anyway, went home and take a nap 1st, damn tiiredd ahh ~
5 plus, daddy came back and we went out for dinner, hahaha !
Supposed to be dinner-ing @ East Coast, but too many ppl le :(
So headed to Bedok 85 in the end, dinner was great laa, damn full !
Drank 2 cup of Sugarcane :x Hahah, back home around 9 plus ba ?
Head to sleep around 11plus ? Hahah, damn damn tiiredd pleasee ~
All the way till morning 10am, hahaha ~ How many hrs haf ii sleep ?
Hmm, 11 to 12, 12 to 1...... total iis 11 hours ! haha, but im still tiired :(
Alright, gonna go preparee & off to RC ! hahaha, dont miss mee deyy :x
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Survey !
Heys ! Im awake alrdy ~ Ytd went RC . Studying @ Open space alone,
quite gd ! Cause ii can focus laa ! Then Simin came, tehn auggy came,
laughs* he's dumb :x Hme around 1.30am ~ Today family day,
so not going study today ! Byeeeeee, survey timeeee ! XGBFF, __ !
1. The person who tagged: Huiyu
2. Your relationship with him/her is: XGBFF
3. Your five impressions of him/her:
* Damn concern about me !
* Best listener of mine :)
* Pretty Cute !
* She "hate" me soo much ~
* Cry with meeeeee !
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done with you:
- Taking "BUS" from Bugis to Tampines, & "MRT" frm Inter to Tmart !
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
- I hate you :x
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
- I'll rape her ! hahaha :x
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
- Love me morreeeee !
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
- change the fact ! haha .
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
- fakeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- blogshop & working ! more moneyyy ~~
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
- fucking good !
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?:
- Crazyyy ~~
13. The characteristic(s) that you love about yourself are:
- Naive enough :x
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
- Too emotional ahhh :x
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
- Nobody :x
16. For people who cares about and likes you, say something to them:
- wo ai ni mennnn :)
quite gd ! Cause ii can focus laa ! Then Simin came, tehn auggy came,
laughs* he's dumb :x Hme around 1.30am ~ Today family day,
so not going study today ! Byeeeeee, survey timeeee ! XGBFF, __ !
1. The person who tagged: Huiyu
2. Your relationship with him/her is: XGBFF
3. Your five impressions of him/her:
* Damn concern about me !
* Best listener of mine :)
* Pretty Cute !
* She "hate" me soo much ~
* Cry with meeeeee !
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done with you:
- Taking "BUS" from Bugis to Tampines, & "MRT" frm Inter to Tmart !
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
- I hate you :x
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
- I'll rape her ! hahaha :x
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
- Love me morreeeee !
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
- change the fact ! haha .
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
- fakeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- blogshop & working ! more moneyyy ~~
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
- fucking good !
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?:
- Crazyyy ~~
13. The characteristic(s) that you love about yourself are:
- Naive enough :x
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
- Too emotional ahhh :x
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
- Nobody :x
16. For people who cares about and likes you, say something to them:
- wo ai ni mennnn :)
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you:
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
- Cheeeeeeehaooo PAPA !
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
- Male laaa ~
20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
- They are not even close -.-
21. What is no.2 studying about?
- Olvl ! haha .
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
- Jus, msgiing herr !
23. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
- He lik weird weird de song leyys ~
24. Does no.1 have any siblings?
- TanJunKiat ! Hahaha .
25. Will you woo no.3?
- She's my aiai laa deyy !
26. How about no.7?
- She's my daughter leyys ~~
27. Is no.4 single?
- Yup yup !
28. What is the surname of no.5?
- Tayy ~~
29. What's the hobby of no.4?
- Very very sampat !
30. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
- No, not very close .
31. Where is no.2 studying at?
- EastViewSecondary laa !
32. Share something casual about no.1:
- She's bitchh laaa ! Hate her to the max ~~
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
- Hahahaha, siiaoo ahh ?
34. Where does no.9 live at?
- Tampiness laaa ~~
35. What colour does no.3 like?
- Red :D
36. Are no.5 and no.1 best friends?
- Hmmm, still not badd ahh .
37. Does no.1 have any pets?
- No laaa ~~
38. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
- Hmmm, sexy !
39. What is no. 10 doing now?
- Sleeping ? I DONT NOE !
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chills man, huixin !

Ytd wake up 5am for Mac breakfast, hahahaha :x
Poor duck has to accompany us, cause we says so !
Thanks duck, he almost fall asleep one the way back 445 ~
Sci pratical, our exams is only 1hr26mins -.- Damn it !
Did some investigation & send some statement to the MOE.
Blablabl, 1.30pm finally we can leave the stupid hall !
Went to QueensTown with XGBFF, GF, Baobei, Yang&Qinqin (:
Interview was alright baa ? Madeline has higher chance to be choosen :(
Totally shag and cried :x Partly is cause of somethings happening.
Back to Tampines & the plan goes well ! Hahah, heng ahhs :x
XGBFF almost burst into tears, but nvr laaa :x Hahaha .
Then steamboat on the floor, pretty cool yea ? Laughs*
Tooks photos & enjoyed chatting with the girls, hahaha ~
Back home around 12am ? Blablabla, very tiiredd ahh !
Alright, gonna work hard for olvl now ! Monday chemistry :(
Diediedie ! But heng Yang lent me his guide book, xiexie :D
Going XGBFF house for steamboat, and study session again, haha !
Byeeeeeee peoples ! Im not okays inside, remeber kays :x
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Goodbye, Boy .

Baby love, say goodbye . Everything ended, smile .
Rmb we once loved . I'll take care of myself .
Dont worry too much k ? Take care of yrself too .
Althought it's jus 7 mnth . I do cherish those moment .
Jus rmb, smile alright ? Im fine, dont worry .
Thanks for everything, really.
You accompany me even if it's alrdy midnight.
You buy food for me when im oh-so lazy to buy myself.
You help me to switch off the light & air-con when i fall asleep.
You cover blanket for me when i jus kick away.
You would rather sleep later, jus to accompany me.
You lie to my mom, jus to let me stay abit later out at night.
You gave me ur sleeves to wipe my tears away.
You took out yr time, jus to meet me for lunch.
You love to give me suprise, but it always fails.
You always rmb things that i forget easily.
You cook noodles for me in the middle of nights when im hungry.
You praise me, to be the most suitable girl for you.
You cheered me up, when im hafing lousy mood.
You teaches me physics when i dont unerstand at all.
You knows & remembers that i love drinking greentea.
You knows that im forgetful, jus lik a empty minded girl.
You protects me when my brothes scold/bully me.
You dont look down on me when im at lousy states.
You try your best to buy everything i like for me.
For this 7 months, ii really do enjoyed time spent with you.
For this 7 months, ii really do enjoyed time spent with you.
Remember to take good care of yourself please, alright ?
Dont sleep late at night because there's no schooling the next day.
Remember to study hard for your olvl, rmb ! And put in yr best.
Speak nicely to your moms, she do cares for you, really.
Go elsewhere and find someone better then me, alright?
Go elsewhere and find someone better then me, alright?
Forget about me and carry on with your life.
Jus rmb a girl name huixin, once loved you.
And both of you shared memories, that enoughs (:
Take care my dear, Goh Jia Han. Goodbye (:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Job hunting :(
Ohhmyy, nobody wanna hire me, saddedd :(
A bigbig store name "Popular" rejected me for 4 times !
Damn it ! Popular liiao bu qii ah :X Laughs*
Ytd night went to RC, hahaha. Disturb Duck is so fun !
QuakQuak, laughs* his face expression look so, damn it :x
Blablabla, then went to ride around, nth better to do .
Then joke with Auggy, damn damn funny ! He's lame -.-
Home around 10 plus, char fetch me home, with her pink bike .
Pretty cool yea ? I want a lady bike too, hahaahahaha !
I wanna spray white if ii haf one, hohohs :x Too bad laa :(
I wanna spray white if ii haf one, hohohs :x Too bad laa :(
I dont haf a Lday Bike -.- Jus haf to wait baa ? Laughs*
Today going out with Xingan, for job hunting once again !
Hahahaha, and Vanyeo ytd called me, got job lobang, haha !
Guess wat, popular fair -.- 1odays, 1 day $10 ii think ? Laughs*
She say will confirm again baa ? Laughs* ohhmyy ahh !
2 more days to Sci Pratical :( & Xingan birthdayyyyyyyy :DD !
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I wan Samsung G400 badly !
I want this phone badly ! Humphss :(
Anyone know of shop that sell phone at cheaper rate,
please tell meeeee ! add me, F436@hotmail.com :DD !
Friday, October 10, 2008
Graduation :(
"as we goes on, we remembers,
all the times we, had together."
yupyup ! Today's graduation was kinda good one ?
Laughs*Took damn damn lot of photos ah, thanks to JK's phone :DD
Last day of school, not feeling that good yea ? Sang school song !
One last time le :( Then ceremony, blablabla ! Quite 紧张 mans ~~
Althought it's the second time alrdy, but on stage leyys ! Alot ppl :x
Today's post shall be more pictures then texts ba ? Okays !
Took around 80 plus pictures :x Ytd night also, total 100 !
Laughs* I shall miss EVS alright ? Not forgettiing th most impt ones,
Class 103(04), 203(05), 304(06), 404(07), lastly class 501 :D Loves !
Gonna miss 501 & 502 lots lots ! Worst 5NA, but we are united (:
And then lunch with Madeline & Angela, ii will miss them badly :(
Alright, let the pictures do th posting today, enjoy the pics :DD

Outing going on later ! With cliques :DD
Back with more photos ? Mayb ah, haha (:
Back with more photos ? Mayb ah, haha (:
Gotta go le, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
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