Saturday, May 31, 2008
ohhmyys ~~ supersuper boredd cans !? siighhs*
morniing wake up aroundd 11 plus ii tiink ? watchh tv .
then help korkor buy food eat, luffs* saw garykorkor at food court.
after dat use com, all th way till now :x luffs* super siian !
Baby wake up at 4pm today ! ohhmyys ~~ he slept for 12 hrs !
&& he's now out wiith duck they all ! hurhur ~~ very siiann .
miiss Baby super super super super much, siighhhhsssss*
talk to Baby on th phone for awhiile, but he seems busy,
so hang the phone andd ask Baby msg me later lohhs ~~
siince he busy mahhs (: okok, tmrr goiing SBB housee !
&& heard some bad news from didi ! 6th aunt's baby iis gone ~
sad case, didi say iis b.cos the baby iinsiide stomachh no heartbeat..
then diie iinsiide, siighhhs** chheeeer uppp 6th aunt ! <333
ii've got nth to post ! b.cos ii've got nth to say ~~ btw, change skins !
much better yea? luffs* iim supersuper iin love wiith PIANO !
ii wants piiano thiings, bags, wallet, all those piiano's stuffs ~~ haas !
and not forgettiing a real piiano iin my room ! haaaas ~~ iim mad :x
Baby ! ii miiss you ii miss you ~~ siighhs* he's gonna work next few weeks.
whiich means iim nt gonna be able to meet Baby ! siighhs*
howhow ~ gonna thiinkk of Baby everyday, haiiis !
so Baby, gonna think of me k :x andd plspls !
take very very good care of yourself when iim nt wiith you pls ~~
iim gonna worry for you ! andd ii promiise, ii will take super gd care of myself ;DD
so you can focus on your work ! andd dont forget to eat meal regularly ahhs ~
your stomachh not dat good, siighhhss* Baby, 我舍不得啦!DDDDDDD:
Friday, May 30, 2008
Then iin th end Baby wake up late, andd he's testiing me!
hurhurs ~~ sorry Baby ! ii diidnt catch iit :x luffs*
okok, was late for lesson agaiiins ! haaas ~~
but Baby was even worst then me! luffs*
then nvm, went to lab5 for pratiical lesson, jiieeett !
so many new thiings to learn, but still haiihao lohhs ? luffs*
hmmms, then went for early break, 945am jiu leave liiaoos !
haaas ~~ cos mrGoh let us early break ! hohohos ~~
went to coffee shop for breakfast, everyone of us ate somethiing,
from th same stall ! haaaas ~~ aroundd 10.45am then went back to class !
haaas ~ super late alrdy mans :x but nvm ! Baby diidnt even attend thiis lesson :x
Engliish lesson, jiieet ~ diid smth soso diifficult lahhs !
haaas, but iin the end ask teacher, then get better ~ haaas !
okok, lunchh break was duperduper fast :x went to buy drinks,
then peii char to bus-stop ~ after dat peii xy to viin hse,
take thiings then jiu 1.30pm liiaos ! haaas ~~ art was duper fast !
haaas, playiing wiith the Impasto ~~ luffs* super fun !
andd chiit-chatts sessiionn ! together wiith xy && madmad ~
luffs* ! talkiing abt th past -.- damn funny lahhs ~~ okok,
then siit at coffee shop while waitiing for Baby to come ;DD
got quarrel ! becos of sauces && untensils -.- coll poliice siiohhs !
haaas ~ 4 kepos siitiing thr watchiing show :x before ppl diiscover us,
faster run ! haaas ~ went to 201, they bought theiir specs andd paiid deposiits ~
hmmms, shdd ii do a new one too ? luffs* maybe hors :x haaas !
cos scare nvr wear will increase degree ~~ haaas ! consiider abt iit :x
went home, bath andd fall aslp ! haaas ~~ then hadd diinner together wiith Baby,
luffs* went to slack andd took photos ! hohohos ~~ Baby, 你完蛋了!
Becos you are addiictedd to takiing photos, yea? haaas !
Baby iis supersuper cute <33 then went home, chat awhiile,
andd iim siick -.- took a nap, then Baby went off to look for duck they all !
sorry ahh, actually they wanted to come my hse dehhs ~~
but then iim nt feeling well, so Baby had to go down !
after Baby left awhiile, ii jiu wake up liiaoos !
Cos iim so buxiguan w/out Baby besiide me le :(
use computer andd mamii came back ! didi was siick -.-
andd now iim waitiing for my dearest Baby to end hiis pool !
so that he can go home, andd ii can slp :x haaaas !
siiannsiiann ~ cnt meet Baby for 2 day, ohhmyys !
lik 2 yrs :( tmrr maybe goiing out wiith Xiingan !
see whether iim feeliing better or not lohhs ? ohhmyys !
sunday gonna go to SBB hse for her siis early bdae celebratiions ~~
andd monday starts coachiing agaiins ! JIEEETT ~~
Baby, ii miiss you supersupersuper muchh ! byeeeeeee ~
Clare : hmmms, maybe lohhs ? haaas ! after my coachiing pls ;DD
Evon : lols! yahhs ~ will will .
Vanessa : haaaaas ! got ppl liink you mahhs ~~ got blog no say !
Angela : yea CBX :x ! haaaas ~~ yeayea, super boredd pls !
Xingan : luffs* yahhs ! gonna miiss you man Xingan ! <33
Thursday, May 29, 2008
hmmms, morniing wake up andd went to prepare !
althought iis annii, still haf to go for coachiing~ hurhurs !
meet Baby and then walk to schh ;DD luffs* was diisturbiing hiim,
haaaas ! funfun, ndd Baby iis soso cute ;DD hmmm,
went to voiid deck andd look for th rest ! as usual, late for class agaiin :x
haaas ~~ hmmms, engliish lesson 1st, jiieeet !
Mr frannciis Teo was thr too, luffs*
was shocked when he suddenly appear behiind me andd colledd for my name -.-
attendannce takiing ! haaas ~ cheys ! okok, then went for breaks,
luffs* ate half-boiiledd egg ! Baby help me to open, thks Baby <333
Cant iimagiine w/out Baby besiide me :( haaaas ~ okok,
then went back to schh, late agaiins ! haaas ~ viinay mahhs,
iits okayy ~~ late nvm dehhs ! then Baby went home, miiss miss miss :x
diid some maths qns, and was totally lost cans !?
thks Yang for hiis ans && explanatiion ;DD andd MrViinay too !
okok, took hiis number andd gonna ask hiim iif ii dont noe how to do !
haaas ~ went out andd saw Xingan at coffee shop, ii miiss her super much !
haaas ~ chattiing andd she's super funny ! she eat LonganIce, my fav !
haaaas ~ promiise to meet soon Xingan ! thn meet Baby, he changedd clothes liiaoos ~~
Bus-edd home wiith mama andd Baby went to my house waiit for me get channge !
haaas ~ then went to 201, peii Baby eat, ohhmyy !
saw so many of Baby's ex workiing ppl, damn paiisehhs !
lucky Baby's mum went home alrdy ~ haaas ! heng :x hmmm,
then bus-edd to dwntown, E-hub ! haaas ~ took neopriints wiith Baby,
ohhmyys ! he's supersuper cute cans !? haaas ~ dont noe wat pose to put :x
luffs* supersuper blur de Baby ! haaas ~ hmmms, saw Razmeer, Khairul && Xinyi !
haaas ~ disiturbiing one another andd was duper funny !
they were goiing to bowliing center, haaas ! diidnt noe whr to go,
so went to bowliing center andd fiind them lohhs ! they play dao super cute ~
haaas ! then went to eat pastamaniia ! haaas ~ Baby's duper cute !
Dont noe why, everythiing he do iis super cute ;DD haaaas ~
then went to beachh andd startedd chattiing ! till 7pm :x haaaas ~
was sayiing all our 心事 and our 真心话 ! Baby, sorry iif ii've hurt you iin th past,
iim sorry ! ii promiise ii wont do those silly thiings agaiins, k ?
andd Baby, rmb wat ii've saiid. Think carefully wat you wants,
then go for iit, haomahhs ? ii wont leave you alone Baby <33
ii will change for th better :x any miistake mus say k?
iim 17 liiaos hors, haaaas ! okok, then went home, duper duper tiiredd !
chattiing lik free liiddat ~ keep chat chat chat, but ii love iit !
at least Baby tells me wat he's thinkiing, and even iif ii cnt help,
at least ii liisten to hiim, hors Baby? haaas ! && my Baby crys ~
hurhurs, dont worry Baby, everythiing gonna be fiine k ?
told Baby some solutiions andd ii, myself end up teariing :x
haaas ! but iit's okkayy Baby ~~ at least we noe abt each other stuff,
yeas ? haaas ! tmrr morniing gonna meet Baby for sch agaiins,
cos ii wanna peii Baby more ! He's gonna work soon, siighhs*
iim gonna miiss you super super badly Baby ! hurhurs ~~
but nvm, ii will spare my tiime for you andd meet you dehhs !
even iit's jus for a diinner, iit's enuff alrdy Baby ~
at least ii get to see you (: haaaas ! okok, gonna rush to slp liiaoos,
byeeeeeeee ~ ILOVEYOU, BABY <33
Guiiguii : luffs* hafiing coachiing these few days ! so abit busy ;DD meet up soon !
Charmaiine : xiiexiie mama ;DD <33
Evon : Luffs* yahhs, hafiing coachiing these holiidays ;DD workiing hard on studiies ~
Nicholas : haaaas! how come? nvr work or sch? haaaas ~~
Huiiyu : Xingan, rest assuredd ii will keep you update on myself ! you too pls ;DD haaas !
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
morniing diidnt meet Xingan, ohhmyys ! ii miiss her :(
hmmms, we will meet soon yea? ii nvr forget you Xingan <33
tot Baby was late, so coll hiim! haaas ~~ chatted till he got on bus,
luffs* ii miiss hiim pls ! hurhur ~ meet madmad at mama shop,
then walk to voiidd-deck! haaas ~ keep diisturbiing piinky man !
she saiid thiis, "buyaobuyaoquleh" ~ haaas ! super funny de lahhs ~
was late awhiile for lesson :x haaas ! okok, Baby was worst hors !
Baby was late for 30mins , worst riight :x nottii Baby! haaas ~
then 10pm, break! hohohos ~ break for super long,
cos we iintentedd to pon ! mee && heiiheii, driink war ! haas ~
iim greentea andd he's passion redtea! hurhur ~ hiis driinks got jelly leiis !
then ii lost :x haaas ~~ watever, hohohos ~
went to mac for breakfast wiith Baby they all ;DD but Baby alrdy eat liiaos,
so he peii me (: then walk pass 201 coffee shop, ohhmyys !
saw Baby's mum, opps ~~ was askiing Baby,
he's mother shd be not workiing bahhs ? lols ! then biingo :x
haaas ~ dazhaohu andd left, super paiisehhs :x haaas ! okok,
ate SME :x supersuper full ! then cnt finish :x so gave Baby,
thks Baby <33 haaas ~~ okok, went to northpark for abt 5mins?
Bus-edd to sunplaza park! play swiing, luffs pls ~ duper fun,
cos we swiing super hiighh ! andd longlong almost fly ~ haaas !
everyday liiddat jiiu hao, haaas ! took photo wiith Baby, funny lahhs ~
iiloveBaby pls ! haaas ~ but today Baby's siick, siighhs*
Baby pls take care of urself when iim nt wiif you k? ii will worry nahhs !
okok, then aroundd 1pm, bus-edd back to sch wiith madmad!
ii miss Baby alrdy ~ hurhur :x back to schh andd help xy wiif her art!
was super fast because qiiuyun && diiana help out too! haaas ~~
then meet madmad, walk to 201 ! bought sushii && then went to xy house ~
help her wiith her boards till 10pm! haaas ~ andd now iim home ;DD
hmms ! 30 more miins to me and Baby de annii <33 haaas !
qiidaiiqiidaii ~~ tmrr morniing gonna meet Baby && then walk to sch ;DD
haaaas ! gonna diisturb hiim :x luffs* okok, iim off to slp liiaoos ~
tmr hafiing coachiing agiian, jiieet!
but tmrr gonna be a speciial day for me <333
byeeeeeeee ! BabyBabyBaby ~~~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
我越来 越爱你!
iim back agaiins ! luffs* was helpiing Baby wiith hiis blog, ohhmyys ! He's SUPER, lazy cans :x haaas ! everythiing ii help hiim do, go hiis blog ! ~ th liink iis also namedd by me -.- haaas ! soso lazy ahh Baby :x hmmms, my wiishh come true ~~ Baby createdd Blog ! hohohos :x lols ~~ very jiieet ! he very lazy, howhowhow :x okok, ii miss Baby now ~ nvmnvm, tmrr he's gonna appear iin my eyes when ii wake up :x Luffs* goinig slp liiaoos, byeeeeee ! ii miiss Xingan && Aiai <33
Tag repliied:
Boyfriiend : you fiinally created ur blog ! haaas ~ ii miiss you Baby <3
Niicholas : haohao (: when iim done wiith my coachiing k? cya !
Clare : back to eng liiaoos ~~ hohohos ! cos Mt olvl iis over ~~
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
就算你就在我隔壁, 我依然想念着你....
Friday, May 23, 2008
Engliish : 47 ( D7 )
Chiinese : 49 ( D7 )
Mathematiics : 36 ( F9 )
Combiined Sciiences : 28 ( F9 )
Combiined Humaniitiies : 36 ( F9 )
Total: 196/5oo >.<
Percentage: 39.2%
Conduct: Good
Huixin is an amiable girl who gets along well with her peers.
She is attentive in class and is conscientious about her work.
Tags replied:
Chiinkiiat : Mamii ohh mamii ! ii miiss you ~~ go out soon :D
Charmaiine : haaaas ! jiieet ahhh ~~ result sucks :x
Von : Liinkedd (: how are you ahhs ! haaas ~~ Tkcares !
Andre : haaaas ! bear wiith iit ~ It gonna last till monday :x && liinkedd !
Yuekaii : Luff pls ! monday jiiu back to engliish liiaoss ~ haas !
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
今天沒什么事吧? 一直连续做别间学校的考题.
天啊, 快疯了! 一直做一直做, 希望真的会进步咯?
哈哈! 本來3点就能回家的, 谁知道! 必须留下来~~
JIET >.< ! 唉呀, 没关系吧~ 为了会考, 留下来咯!
呵呵~ 闷啊闷啊, 很闷啦! 留到5点多才走路回家 (:
天啊, 写了那么多, 才那么短 !? JIET 啦~~__ :x
好了啦, 不想继续写了, 我累了... 咳咳咳咳咳咳!
现在在看<< 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 >>, 超好看的啦 :DDD
看完了才去睡觉, 呵呵~~ 再见啦! 我爱家汉 <333
Boyfriiend: dont wan lahhs ! hurhur, sure paiisehhs dehhs :x haaas ~~
Shangfen: luffs* xiiexiie ahhs ! meet up real soon k !? nvr take photo :(
Niicholas: haaas ! meet up soon ahhs ~ ask clarabel along too ;DD
Yuekaii: Thks ahhs ! haaas ~ post longlong :x
Monday, May 19, 2008
Updates :D
hmmms, schliing today ! friidayyyy ~~~
no choiice anymore, haf to study lahhhhh !
MT coachiing for whole day, boredd pls !
okok, beiing frozen iin somewhr, super cold ~
then diid many revision, 2 compo, 10 passgage.
Ohhmyyys ! braiin crack :x luffs* nvm, olvl coming !
after schh went home, together wiif Boy (: slpslp ~
andd mamii saw us slpiing :x diiediiediie ! siighhs*
okok, diineer @ 201, then chalet ! wooo-hoooos ~~
funfunfun ! luffiing, jokiing && playiing wiith cousiins !
meet them at NewyorkNewyork, at th E-hub thr ~
niice place to eat, but ii miissedd iit ! hurhur ~
SBB's treats ! nehhmiinds :x arcade was greatgreat !
saw VanYeo, Qiuyun, andd theiir friiends ~ qiiao !
back to chalet was alrdy 10 plus ii tiink? luffluffluff ~
starts to bbq ! hurhur ~ when everyone's slpiing alrdy!?
yea, we diid dat. startedd bbq, niiceniice ! cos hungry le :x
slp aroundd 2am ii suppose? tiiredd lahhs, but great slp !
cos ii dont haf to share bed, but SBB haf to ! haaaaaaas ~
wake up aroundd 12 plus ii tiink? aiircon was really cold lahhs !
but ii've got ZG's jacket ! luffs* he dont feel cold, weiirdo :x
lalalalala ~ hadd foodcourt as breakfast cum lunch ! haaaaas ~
then me && SF went back to my hse ~ take extra clothing !
then cabb-edd to her hse, takiing those food ~ luffs pls :x
both of us was lik, idiiot ! tryiing to cover th chiickenwiing,
wiith plastiics :x andd almost fly away ! paiisehhs lahhs ~
meet 6th aunt andd they driive us back to dwntown, lols !
back to chalet was great great ~ cos can lie on bed, hohos !
okok, then aroundd 6pm, ZG's friiend came andd aunt they all.
lols, they was diisturbiing mii, cos mamii they all went to m'siia,
but ii diidnt follow them. so iim left alone at home lohhs ~~
lalalalas ~ ii dont miind lahhs, but almost tearedd :x luffs*
aroundd 12am, Boy came andd ton overniight (: lols ~~
nthh much, but ZG's friiend was kiinda, iirriitatiing :x
wake up around 10am, cnt get to slp lahhs ~ hurhur !
keep wake up, then turn aroundd. luffs* Both me&boy,
don haf enuff slp lahhs ! hurhur, then nvm . lols ~~
LH & SBB was quiite gd fren wiif Boy le, esp LH !
they talk nonsence andd blabber craps :x luffs*
okok, Mac as Lunch ~ quiite full man ! andd tiiredd,
cos nt enuff slp lahhs ! haaas ~ take a small nap !
then aroundd 3.30pm, went to Wildwildwet, hohohos ~
Only me, SBB & ZG go :x sorry to ps my Boy iin chalet !
quiite worriiedd actually, cos left LH wiith hiim, ohhmyys ~
watever lahhs -.- haaas ! was duper duper fun lahhs ~
went to lazy riiver 1st, duper shiiok lahhs ~ funfunfun !
then to the wave pool, great mans ! luffiins lik hell ~~
thks to ZG's jokes andd diisturbiing SBB abt pretty giirls :x
haaas ! he went to mad andd angry ~~ but both of us was lik,
luff luff luff ~~ cnt stop lahhs :x he's soso funny cans ! haaas .
jacuzii? dont not how to spell :x was alriight, chattiing ~~
andd miissiing my Boy :x Opps ! haaas ~ then back to laxy river ~
kiinda boredd liiaos, so went to wave pool, onnce more !
andd went to th deepest ! ohhmyys, ii cnt swiim ppl ~~ haas!
mus thks ZG for takiing care of me ~ haaas ! SBB damn funny :x
keep kenna bang by GILRS ! ohhmyys ~ he went crazy !
then we was diisturbiing him, "wan take no.? ii help you lahhs :x"
haaas ! ii suppose he would wiishh to hiide iinto a hole iimmediiately.
okok, impt part ~ haaas ! the viitagen tank, was not workiing mans !
many ppl was waiting lik iidiot below th tank, andd nth came out.
best part iis, th tank ii aldy full man ! haaas ~ okok, luff and run :x
back to chalet aroundd 6 plus ii tiink? lols ~ bathbath, cos soso cold !
luffs* out was duper shiiokk mans ! haaaas ~ then take a nap, again :x
cos was really super tiiredd lahhs ! hurhur ~ then send Boy to bus-stop (:
back to chalet was doiing nth, but takiing care of baby :x badlahhs !
korkor came andd ACTUALLY, he was suppose to fetch me home.
INTHEEND ! he was lazy, then he ton at th chalet -.- kor, __ !
haaaaas ~~ nvm, 3th aunt fetch me home, ohhmyys ! homehome :x
found many thiings on my bed, mamii bought things for me ! hurhur,
kiinda weiird, but nvm ! thks (: haaas ~ korkor bought mickey too !
okok, then bath and slp liiaos, cos iim duperduper tiiredd lah ~
okok ! last part of post liiaoos ~~ haaaas !
daddy came iin my room at aroundd 1oam -.-
wakiing me up andd telliing me, we goiing shppiing !
hurhur, ii was lik, huh? am ii dreamiing :x watever ~
bath andd went to out ~ went to 802 for breakfast !
meet xiiaogu && then go to CityPlaza, luffs*
bought 2 shiirts from thr, luffs* daddy also ~~
haaas, then change location :x went to marine parade !
hohohos ~ shoppiing agaiins ! luffs* bought wallet,
andd 1 more shiirts ~ ii bought alot of thiings today !
andd mamii paiid ! luffs lahhs ~ soso scary can :x
but nvm, 3 of us was shoppiing andd papa went driinkiing -.-
lalalalas ! meet 4th uncle && dad's friiend, chatchatchat ~
while iim falliing aslp lahhs ! haas ~ damn tiiredd cans !
andd soso fiinally, 7pm leave mariina parade, ohhmyys ~
reachh tmart, bought dinneer andd went home liiaos !
bath andd was duperduper shiiok lahhs ! haaaaas ~~
okok, iim off to slp liiaos ! tmrr coachiing agaiins ~
&& Boy iis waitiing for me ~ byeeeeeeeeeee !
Boy, no matter wat, ii wont leave you.
Really, ii promiise. GouGouShou* <3
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tags reply !
Clare : Reliinkedd ! haaas ~ of cos ;DD cya <3
Elano : Thks for cheeriing me up, really ~ I rmb th date liiaos, 090608 <3
Huiiyu : yahhs ! ii will cheeer upp ~ IMISSYOU <333
Junkiiat : yahhs, when iim free ok? Sorry ~
Jasmiine : Luffs* of cos lahhs ! you iis JASMINETEO ~~
Niicholas : DADDYY ! yahhs ~ ii will try harder ;DD
sorry for not postiing these few days ! sorrysorry :x
was busy busy busy ! tmrr ii will update ok ?
Luffs** ii miisss Xiingannnn <33
&& Aiiiiaaaaaiiiiiii ! hurhur, byeeeeeeeee ;DD
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I need time ?
okok, ii get my overall result liiaos, siighhs*
expectedd, faill all, pass NONE -.- luffs*
so stupiid riight? lols ~ watever lahhs !!
gonna enjoy now :x also nt really iin mood,
siighhhhhss* who can teach me wat to do ~~
told mamii abt my result, ii tell her ii fail all.
she was lik, huh? all red? no blue? sry mamii,
but yahh, ii failedd ALL my subjects, badly.
iim sry, ii broken those promises ii gave you.
ii shdnt haf went up to sec5, wasting ur money.
but ii will work very very hard for Olvl, really.
trust me mami, ii will do well iin olvl.
even iif ii nvr, at least ii triied my best.
okok, sry to be postiing sadly, really sry readers.
i will try to regain my laughter back alright?
hopefully tmr ii wont show out my emotions,
so dat my loves one wouldnt get worry,
esp Xingan & Boyfriend, and Sheanyang ..
really sorry Girl/Boy, made you worry.
I'll be fine after awhile, dont worry k?
maybe ii jus need sometime to cool down,
tiink abt wat shdd ii really do bahhs?
hmms, tmrr coachiing till 6pm, siighhs*
booksbooks, paperpaper ! iinsanity ~~
exams iis over, andd ii dont wiish to enjoy.
totally no mood cans? siighhhhhhsss*
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
1. Guys hate sluts ( even though they had an affair onnce :x )
2. Guys may be flirting, but when it comes to niight, they only tiink abt th only girl they care (:
3. Guys go crazy over his's girl Smile :D
4. Guys will do anything to attract attentiion, from his girl :x
5. Guys hate it when girls mention/compare abt her ex -.-
6. Guys need to "re-confiirmedd" abt beiing loved !
7. Dont mentiion to ur BF abt ur "Boy"friiend :x
8. Guys get jealous EASILY !
9. Guys are more emotiional :x
10. Guys would tend to be curiious over words lik, "uu noe, ahh nvm." :x
11. Guys will do much better iin courtiing compare to his own girl ~
12. When guys tease uu, its an usual act of he liking you (:
13. Guys love you more then you love them ~
14. Guys tiink TOO MUCH !
15. Guys always seek adviice from girls & they are super blur !
16. When a guy ask you to leave hiim alone, iit means to come nearer -.-
17. Whena guy iis serious, it means he haf somethiing impt to say.
18. If "Boy"fren avoiid you when uu are wiif ur BF, he seems to lik you.
19. When a guy says gd abt you, dont reject. B.cos they will feel lousy.
20. When a guy look at you for very long, he's tiinkiing of something.
21. Guys dont lik girls who punch harder then themself :x
22. A guy have many probs which iis viisible ~
23. Guys tend to giiv up easily .
24. Guys talk more abt girls compared to girls saying themself !
25. Guys hate rejection ~
26. If you wanna reject a guy, DONT say brothership/gdfriiend, iits hurts !
27. Girls are strange and weird iin guys eyes, but they love it -.-
28. When a guy sacrifices everything for a girl, he truely love that girl (:
Guys, liisten up (:
She's quiiet, she's tiinkiing ALOT of thiings.
She didnt argue, she's tiinkiing DEEPLY.
She look iin to ur eyes, she's wonderiing how long will you be thr.
She saiid she's fine, actually she's NOT at all.
She stares at you, she's wonderiing diid you liie?
She lays on ur chest, she wants you to ber her FOREVER.
She wants to see you everyday, b.cos she wants to be pampered ~
She said ILY, && she means it !
She said IMY, its means more ~
lols ~ okok, overall. ii faill ALL subjects :S
Engliish, 47%
Chinese, 49%
Combiined Humaniities, 36%
Maths paper 1, 35%
Sciience MCQ, 42.5%
Niice result yeaa? siighhs* nvm bahhs.
kann zhe ban lohhs :x nth much to say.
cos not iin th mood, luffs* watever.
iim am jus myself, ii dont noe wat else to say.
lalalalalalas ! iim ohhsoo upset now ~~
somebody cheeeerr me up pls, siighhs*
okok, jus haf to say, thiings really changes fast.
really duper fast, ndd uu'll nvr expect.
so ppl, do wat uu wan before iits too late.
c'monn, iits alrdy so long, yet still liddat ?
siighhhs* iim siick physiical, ndd emotiionally too.
lols ! okok, off to slp. ppl, siighhs** :((((
I told someone,
ii regretted goiing up to Sec5.
He told me thiis,
Now you haf come to sec 5 liiaos, then dont tiink abt last tiime.
& siince uu choose to go up sec5, why dont you giive everythiing uu haf for Olvl?
Instead of regrettiing goiing up to sec5. & iif you giif everythiing uu haf for Olvl,
even iif you fail, uu also wont regret that uu nvr study or watever reason.
So iinstead of regretting of wat you haf done for th last yr,
why not you cheriish the tiime now ?
Thks Sheanyang ;DD
Tags repliedd : Gerald : yuppsyupps ;DD of cos ! ii dont wanna miiss a sakae too :x
Huiiyu : DONE ;D luffs* woainis pls !
Elano : luffs* yahhs ! tiingmamadehua ;DD
Madeliine : luffs* uu go viiew source lohhs ~ dont lazy :x
Shangfen : REALLY !? fun mahhs ~ haaas ! thks ahhs <3
Angela : Thks mans ~ luffs* tkcares ;DD
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
1)Have you seen a real miracle happening to you before ?
> I studied, yet ii fail. Is dat a miracle ? Luffs*
2)What is th thing that you want most now ?
> A camera pls ! haaaas :x
3)What are th goals you wna achive in your life ?
> Score well for Olvl !
> Happy family (:
4)If you have one more wish to wish for , what would it be ?
> Cheerful forever ;D
5)What are you afraid to lose most now ?
> Boyfriend, Xingan, Aiai, Mama, Airen, JFYF & Baobei
6)Do you believe in ETERNAL love ?
> Maybe? Luffs*
7)If you meeted someone tht you love alot , will you confess to him/her ?
> Like derrr ~~~ But shy :x
8)What would you do with 200 bucks ?
> Half gif parents, another half go play ;DD
9)What is currently in your mind ?
> How long do ii haf to study !? Siighs*
10)What type of people do you hate most ?
> Jiaxinxin, faker :x && liers !
11)Would you cherish every friendship of yours ?
> Like derrrr !
12)Do you believe in GOD ?
> Nononono :x
13)What do you think is th most important thing in your life ?
> My Boyfriend && Sister :DD
14)Do you find a need to find a stead ?
> Nahhs ! ii haf my boy :x
15)What do you wna your friendship to be like ?
> aiir, iinviisiible yet always thr ;D
16)What are th things you would wna think of ?
> why am ii on earth :x
17)What is your favorite hobby ?
> Siingsiingsiing ! Luffs also :x
18)If you`re feeling low one day , who would you go to ?
> Xingan && Aiai ;DDD
19)List down 3 songs uu love to siing !
> tiiantiiande !
> aii laii guo ~~
> save you ;D
20)If you have th permission to destroy something , what/who would it be ?
> Bad ppl ! haaaas ~~
Instructions :
Remove 1 question from above and add in your personal question .
Make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list .
List them out at th end of this post .
Notify them in their tagbox tht they have been tagged .
Whoever does this tag will get a blessing from all (:
Okok ! iim done doiing th survey Xingan ;DD
now off to prepare andd goiing Xingan hse ~
byeeeee ! btw, ii fail my Eng&Chi :( sadsad*
Sunday, May 11, 2008
okok, iim back ;DDDD ! luffs* today was great ~~
woke up aroundd 10am, yawns* still tiired,
but nvm nahhs. luffs* help daddy wiith th DVD player.
lols ! then use computer, changedd skiins agaiins :x
okok, went to prepare andd was ready by 12pm ;D
meet Aiai at JC bus-stop, Boy on Bus ~ luffs pls !
ppl iin bus iis weiird :x okok, nvm ! busedd to dwntown ~
downtown iis loadedd withh people, many ppl lahhs !
cos today mother's day&family carnival going on ~~
okok, so many ppl lohs. & not much food for us,
cos all th foodcourt, KFC, Mac are packedd ! so too bad :x
even BK, iis crowdedd && queue somemore, luffs*
so iin th end, eat pastamaniia, ohhmyys ~ Boy say v. ex :x
nvm lahhs ! nt everyday eat mahhs, longlong once (:
then went to arcade, fun pls ! basketball agaiins, haaas ~
really fun ! andd we hadd tikcets to exchanges for sweets !
okok, then went to pasiir riis park, no whr to go lahhs ~
so deciidedd to rent biike, luffs pls ! Aiai rent th ladybike,
actually ii want iit too, but left one ! hurhur, nvm lahhs ~
let her, cos ii had iit once ;D so me&boy rent th same bike,
was riding around andd sweating lik dumb :x luffs pls !
3 smelly people, riding around pasir ris park, haaaas ~~
hmms, aroundd 6pm, return th bike and went to whitesand ~
hohohos ! damn shiiok, cos got aiir con :x haaaas ! then,
went to arcade agaiins, guess wat. basketball agaiins, haaas !
andd 3 of us, hand went numb ! luffs ok ~ damndamn funny .
then took 21 home, jiieeet ! actually Aiai coming my hse,
iin th end she nt feeling well, so she went home, tkcare :D
andd Boy went home too, luffs* went to bath andd then,
meet 8th uncle dwnstaiir, hohohos ! he passedd mii $$,
then ii got money diinneeer ! haaaas ~ bought horfan,
siighs man ! super-uber long cans !? hurhur ~~ btw,
saw mr.FOO ;DD he keep smiling at mi :x luffs* so weiird !
okok, andd back home, watchiing youtube, luffs pls ! haaas .
hmmms, iim lik a mad girl, watching alone andd luffing lik mad,
alone too ! haaas ~ hao lahh, off to slp liiaoos, tmrr no sch ;D
but korkor gotta work, yahhs ~ so iim goiing offliine ! byeeee !
btw, ii enjoyedd today ! hor Boy ? he today verii guaii :x
cos he took alot of photo wiith meeee ! haaaaas ~ lovelove ~
Tags replied
Elano : luffs* relax nahhs ! so will forgiive you one day (: cheeer up !
Boyfriend : Of cos lahhs ~ you willing to take photo leiis :x woainis <3
Airen : haaaas ! paiisehhs lahhs :x yeayea, ii miisss you too !
Saturday, May 10, 2008
okok ! iim backbackback ;DDDD party was great (:
aroundd 4 plus, went to meet Xingan 1st, luffs*
help heiiheii take diisc then meet Aiai, go 201.
diidnt meet Boy, cos he overslept. Sorry Dear :Z
meet th rest andd meet Juan on bus, luffs* as usual,
madness iin bus :x haaas ! soso paiiseh, but we enjoy !
okok, reachh thr liiaos was lik, woohoos ! shuangshuang :x
angela was slpiing siiohhs ! so we wake her up, haaas ~
chiit-chats andd cam-whoriing startedd ! luffs*
then startedd to prepare for th bbq && some playiing mahjong ~
lols ! ohhmyys ~~ was doiin nth andd then startiing singsong ltr .
luffs* damn damn hiigh :x all was siingiing lik mad ! haaas.
andd then ate smth, luffs* niiceniice ! cam-whore agaiin :x
chatchatchat, talktalktalk ! till 12 plus, walk home frm simei ~
haaaas ! Boy, uu say out urself de hors :x cnt say miine !
luffs* home liiaos was aroundd 1am, ohhmyys ! tiireddtiiredd*
then went to bath, luffs* Boy was ohhsoo cute :x luffs*
okok, today wake up andd went to prepare liiaoos ~ lols !
goiing aiirport, sending cousin&grandma off to hongkong !
hurhur ~ ii wan go laaaas :x but too late liiaos, siighs*
aniiwae, ate lunch at thr, blablabla ! then went to meet juan.
ohhmyyss, telluu ! mamii iis totally mad uu noe !? fcuk :x
ii iintended to meet Juan @ tanahmerah cos ii at airport .
andd we are heading to bugis. then ii tell mamii ii go 1st.
she say: dont want lahh. 5th uncle fetch us back to tam,
then uu go tanahmerah meet juan lohs. ii was lik, wtf -.-
arghhs! damn iit :x iin the end ii saw juan @ tmart, heng :x
then mrt to bugis, bought tee-shirt :x luffs* iim broke !
okok, back home andd was watchiing douniuyaobuyao agains !
haaas ~ cos juan wanna watch, luffs* okok, then nth le .
andd dinneer @ home ! luffs* okok, tmrr goiing out ~~
arcade with Aiai & Dearest Boy ! haaas ~ gonna cam-whore :x
luffs pls ! Boy dont wanna take photo with mi :( but too bad xD
Friday, May 9, 2008

ytd no exams, woooohoooss ~ cos ytd iis art paper :x
aniiwae, wake up aroundd 1 plus ! luffs* tiiredd ah ~
then peii korkor go see doctor then eat smth ~~
lols ! then korkor decided to watch moviie, luffs*
ask Boy along, then went to watchh "money no enough".
lols! it's an duperduper old show cans !? andd sadly,
less then 10 ppl iin th ciinema, iincludiing us ! hurhur ~
okok, th show was kiinda memoriies for us ? luffs*
andd "money no enough2" iis comiing out ;DD lols !
31July -.- okok, after dat went shoppiing aroundd .
lols ! saw longlong, auggy, yazi && yiqin ;DD doing nth ~
boreddboreddboredd ! took bus home, blablabla ~
peii Boy whiile he's eatiing. luffs pls ! ii noe he's secrets :x
but he doesnt lose completely ohhs ! luffs ~ andd niight :)
went to slp, morniing wake up ! exams for 1hr -.-
then slackiing around bubbletea shop ;DD andd later niight,
gonna haf a party at angela hse ! wooohooos ~ luffs*
hope iim gonna enjoy iit ? lols ~ cos iim feeling bad now !
okok, gonan take a nap, byeeeeeee ! siighhhs*
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
hope you lik th present :D
Tags repliied :
Jasmiine : Lufffs* JASMINETEO iis th most cute girl in th world :x
Elano : lols ! whr got paiins ? laaaaas ~~
Gerald : hurhur ! watever lahhs, uu mus go okok?
Huiiyu : yeayea ;DD you too ! dont fall siick, loves <3>
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

that guy hor, giif food lik FREE dehhs ! ohhmyys ~~
andd th atmosphere was lik, world war mans :x
one person one face -.- but ii still enjoy my diinner ;D
cos iim hungry :x luffs* today hadd Eng paper 2 & Phy .
ohhmyytiiann ! hmmms, eng paper was okok nahhs :x
Phy was lik, ohhmyy ohhmyy ! diiediiediie pls ~~~~~
badd feeling that ii would fail badly ! hurhur ~
told mrGoh, andd he say it's alriight ;DD so nvm lohhs !
after schh went to meet juan && then went home .
prepare andd went out, jiietjiietjiiet ! iim soso xinku :x
luffs* headache lah, stomach pain lah, feel lik vomiitiing !
andd yahh, ii diid it :x ii went to toilet andd vomiit ~~
ohhmyys ~ guess wat diid ii vomit out ? bubbles -.-
haiiyohhs, am ii hafiing some illness or wat ? lols ~
aniiwae, bought things andd then went home straiight !
reachh hm andd ii went, knock out ! head damn paiins :x
feel lik bangiing th wall ! th paiin iis killiing mii manns ~
then Boy came ;DD luffs* okok, now off for dinner agaiins !
hurhur ~ dont feel lik eatin leiis ! ndd mamii tot ii nvr eat,
halo ! ii got eat lahhs ~ ii today eat quiite alot leiis ~~
morniing ate bread, recess ate sushii, then jus nw eat noodle -.-
haaaas ! korkor say maybe food poiisoniing, ohhmyyys !
pls pray for mii, ii nvr ii nvr ! hurhur ~ okok, byeeeeeeeee !
tmrr Chemiistry paper, good luck pls :x ndd maths P2 !
hurhur ~ sure to faiil nahhs ! andd tmrr celebratiing aiai bdae ;DD
Monday, May 5, 2008
iim back liiaos ! haaas ~ acorrding to the lunar calender,
today is april fool ! luffs* pls ~~ but nobody noes :x
hmmms, paper for today was ohhsoo jiieeet ! sure fail -.-
firstly, ii tiink ii jus FLUNK my maths cans !? siighs*
aniiwae, then geo. nvr study dao, great :x but still ok nahhs,
still can do abit :x luffs* bring calculator also no use -.-
ohhohh ! then after exams, slack aroundd bbtea shop ;D
then talktalk, luffluff* went home after dat ~ lols !
meet Xingan&Junkiat dwnstair my hse, bought food, then hm !
okk, back to my hse andd luff lik mad, again cans !? lols ~
all th wayt till 5 pluss, ohhmyys ! tiime fly so slow -.-
whr coll fly, time crawl siiohhs :x went to bath then now post.
Xingan& Junkiat went home liiaos, jiieeett ! okok, tmr exams again .
physic ! siiann pls ~~ hurhur, mus study ! arbo duibuqi mrgoh,
yangyang ! andd my dearest Boy, cos they teach mii physic ;D
ok, off for dinneeerrr liiaoos ! byeeeeeeee (: Gd luck !
Tags repliedd :
Boyfriiend : okok, suresure ;DD happy to see ur tag <3>
Sunday, May 4, 2008

ytd niight went to downtown shoppiing mall .
luffs* my second tiime thr, totally diifferent siiohhs !
all shop was closed th first tiime, now all open !
haaaas ~ except for lvlv 3 ! aniiwae, ate dinner @ hm 1st .
lols ~~ mamii say talk to mii agaiin -.- abt han thiing :x
lalalalas ~~ aniiwae, saw hubert at thr, NEWYORK :x
he workiing thr, luffs* quiite slack siiohhs . haaas ~
went to see th ferry wheel, so niice ple ! luffs*
then Boy say, wan sit dont sit this, go sit th mariina de -.-
haaaas ! walk around andd went to arcade, luffsluffs*
saw serene, charmaiine, boy's cousiin, angela ! haaas .
went to play th basketball machiine, funfunfun ! lols ~~
playedd with korkor, nt bad siiohs :x almost all iin .
almost lahhs ! luffs* play dao soso tiiredd :x haaas .
then aroundd 11 plus, went to mac andd slackslack .
lols ! then took bus home liiaos, ohhsoo tiiredd cans ?
reachh home andd was ohhsoo angry ! stupiid didi :x
dont noe do wat then th mouse cnt use -.- ohhmyys ~
korkor damn angry andd he bannedd him frm using com .
haaaas ! zhong, jus too bad for uu lahhs ! haaaaas ~~
iim so bad :x aniiwae, check blog andd then went to slp !
morniing was soso cold :x cos ii diidnt swiitch off my aiircon !
hurhur ~ andd now iim hafiing flu liiaoos -.- haaas ~
7th aunt came with her cutecute son ! haaaas ~ he's so cute .
come iin my room, see see, then go out. haaaas ! cute lahhs :x
okok, andd daddy help mii lamiinate my piictures, thks !
later goiing out study wiif xiingan ! now go prepare liiaoos,
byeeeee ! update ltr ;DD tmrr exmas agaiins , ohhmyys !
{updated on 9.20pm}
hohohohos ! iim back postiin liiaoos ~~ hurhur !
jus nw nvr study dao nahhs , cos bo mood :x
Xingan, pls pls cheer up ! ur fren yangyang say de very meaningful ;D
so, listen to his advice, sure no wrong ;DD
aniiwae, watchiing dou niu yao bu yao agaiins :x
cos was far too boredd ! ohhmyystiian ~ jiieeet !
tmrr geo paper, andd ii haven study dao, die mans ~
andd maths paper1 too ! hurhur, diediedie pls :x
jus nw aroundd 7pm, headachhe nahhs ! then went to slp.
luffs* 8.45pm, Boy coll mii wake up, thks dear ;DD
wake up andd posting now ~ later gonna study abit,
arbo tmrr sure diie cans !? haaaas ~ so ppl, byeee !
Saturday, May 3, 2008
boohooos ! back liiaos ~~ haaas .
ytdd niite no diinner ! but longanice ;D haas ~
then went to bed aroundd 12am ii tiinkk ? lols !
4am, ii woke up ~ andd Boy came iin to my room .
lols ! && mamii saw -.- she askedd mii !
"Girl, you andd ah han patohh ah ?" lols ! ii was lik,
err, no lahhs ! whr got ~ haaaas . tryiing to act :x
then she say better iis nvr -.- lols ! alriight then ~
tiis shows tat ii dont niid to tell her liiaoos ~
cos outcome will be she very angry lohs , -.-
aniiwae ! ate fishsoup jus nw, sucky cans !?
nt niice :x ltr going out ! wiif korkor & maybe Boy .
he still deciding whether to go or nt -.- haiiyohs .
then goiing simei take phone 1st, then sengkang .
shoppiing ! haaas ~ wiif korkor siiohhs :x lols !
okok, off ii go ! byeeeeee ! update later ii tiink ;D
{ updated on 6.16pm }
back back ! haaas ~~ lols ! went to simei,
with korkor && myself niiahhs ~ lols.
actually going sengkang dehhs, cancel in th end !
cos mamii cooking dinner , then nvr go sengkang liiaos .
collected my phone and then went to buy peach tart (:
hohohohos ! managed to buy 7 ~ luffs* then cab back, home !
lols ~~ bought this andd dat with korkor, ohhmyys ~~
bought 2 pants, kiinda lik FBT short, but is nt .
lols ! $20 :x luffs* then now iim home ;DD
later going out with Boy, cousin && std plus korkor ;D
then mamii andd daddy gonna be home :DDDD haaas :x
okok, off to do other things liiaos ! haaas :X
happy to haf my phone back ! lalalalas ~~
btw, Xingan ! dont feel so down ok? cheer up !
ii dont noe how to cheer you up, but ii will be ur listen ear .
ok? ii promiise ;DD cheeeerr up plsss !
Friday, May 2, 2008
hohohos ! back postiin liiaos ~~ haaas .
okok people, today ii friiday ! andd ii shd nt be studying.
cos dats my lyfe, but b.cos exams, iim gonna break it !
today mus study maths, luffs* && guess wat my mum told mee -.-
"don study la, mus rest mahhs. keep study will mad lei."
ohhmyys ! then ii say "ohh, then today dont study lohs."
haas ! she say ok ;D how cute & funny my mamii can be , haiiyohhs !
luffs* andd she's complaiining to mee abt her work time tmrr -.-
cos she wan go hm early, but she dont noe wat tiime ends.
haiiyohhs ! wat a funny mother ii haf -.- ohhmyy ~
alriight, back today ;D today hadd SS paper && MT paper 1 ~
hmmms, SS was quiite Great ! luffs* when ii saw merger qns, ii saw hope !
hohohohs :x cos ii noe how to do ! luffs man !
then MT paper 1 iis, okok lohhs ;D manange to finish.
351words for compo && 335words for letter, alot yea?
haaas ! nt really nahhs :x lols ~~ thenthenthen !
went home after exams, boredd ~~ my Boy iis comiing ltr !
hohohos :x && thks yang ! he helped mii iin my mathhs,
andd keep secrets :x lol ! thksthks ;DD lalalalas !
tmrr gonna collect phone, hohohos ! happy* luffs ~~
andd then maybe home liiao bahhs ? lols ~~ sat gonna study wiith Xingan !
luffs ~ gonna be mad agaiins :x hope Huanchoon && junkiiat join in !
After Olvl, will we still be the same?
I'm worry for yous.
I noe you will be fiine,
but iim jus worry ~~
plspls takecare alright !
Thursday, May 1, 2008
boo-hoos ! back postiing liiaoos (: hohohos ~
today, went to Jackplace for lunchh ;DD
wiith Family , Xiaogu & Boyboy ~~ ohhmyys !
mamii say daddy mood good -.- luffs* lols .
ate Crayfish && was duperduper niice (: hohos :x
after dat went to popular "shoppiing" ! luffs*
bought my stationary && story book ~ lols !
mamii bought th lamination machiine, but iis small de .
ohhmyys ~ quiite cute siiohhs ! hohohos :x
then went walkiing aroundd eastpoiint, luffs pls !
mii, mamii & xiiaogu was lik aunty siiohhs :x
walkiing then seesee, touch touch :x luffs man !
papa, boyboy, kor & di was lik so keliian siiohhs , lols ~
sitting thr doiing nth, wait for us -.- luffs*
bought one long sleeve shirt, lols ! nicieniice*
after that cab back to tmart liiaos, luffs.
meet Xingan, Junkiat & Huanchoon ;D start liao,
start to become mad liiaos :x talking craps again.
then aroundd 3 plus, Boy come. lols, ate ice-cream :x
niiceniice ! && MrTAYHUANCHOON ate two McFlurry :x
haaaas ~ guess wat, he did nth agaiins :x lols !
aroundd 4 plus, Josias chase us out ! hurhur ~~
cos alot ppl keep studying, then no place eat liiaos :x
so we left Mac ! && went to Foodcourt to study -.-
ohhmyys ~~ lik so funny :x hmmms, did maths qns !
wiith Boy help, thks dear ;DD lols ! then 6 plus,
went home. help korkor buy food, agains -.- haiiyohhs !
then continue doiing maths till end of topic 4. lols ~
actually wanted to slp for awhile de, but ii cnt get to slp !
hurhur ~~ so waiit for didi to come back, with my dinner .
sharedd with Boy ;D lols ! so now iim postiin ~~ hurhur !
tmrr SS paper, haiiyohhs ! nvr study dao siiohhs :x
confirm, confirm fail :x luffs* && MT paper 1 too ~
thenthenthen, enjoy first :x hohohohos ! no lahhs :x
cnntinue doiing maths TYS :) cos my maths, sucks !
ok, iim off to watch tv liiaoos ! byeeeeeeeeee (: