Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Vday + 4th Year Anniversary ♥

 Happy Valentine Day ♥

It's our 5th Vday together ! Although we're only tgthr for 4 years.....
Anyway, went out for dinner after Baby's work. Dinner @ Sakae Sushi !
A pretty short yet sweet vday spent with dearest boy.


Happy 4th Year Anniversary ♥♥

Enjoyed myself very much, although there's some bad experience....
Well, we went for our 1st Popeyes @ Bedok Point.
Extremely bad experience. We queued for 45 mins !
I doubt Popeyes is considered as a fast-food restaurant?


Anyway......... Went ECP right after lunch at Bedok Point.
It's our first trip to ECP together. like after 4 years....
But well, really enjoyed it although we merely went cycling.

Rent bike for 3 hours, I guess we cycled the whole of ECP. HAHA.
Loving these moment where we can talk about anything 

Back to Bedok Mall for dinner, had Pizza Hut.
Although it's not any expensive restaurant, but I really appreciate it.

Baby, I really appreciate your effort in every single thing you did for me.
Thank you for doting me so much every single day, like a princess ♥
Don't worry, I never leave you no matter what happen.
I'll be there for you when you need me, no need me I also will be there!

I love you baby ♥

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 ?

Happy 2014 ! I won't be posting my resolution or what happen in 2013 today..
Just some thoughts I'm having these few days, pretty emotional I must say.

I'm gonna graduate in less than 1 month, yes time flies so super fast I swear.
But guess what, you'll be surprise I believe. I have no plans yet, yes no plan...
I got no idea what should I do, work or study ? Working as ? Study what ?

To be frank, going to Polytechnic is like what I need to have, not what I want.
Not trying to say that I regret, but probably I could have studied in smthg else ?
Of cause I don't wanna just stop a being a diploma holder, yes I want degree.
But studying in university, no matter it's local/global, it's expensiveeeeee :(

Definitely I'll need to work first, probably some admin jobs in Banking line ?
Further studies..... Hmmm, really need to plan out and think of what to study.
But probably not so soon, gonna enter the cruel working industry, ohmygod.

Moving on....

I overheard somebody telling me, I'm not putting effort in my friendship.
Well oh well, I actually doubt myself for that. Probably I really did little stuff.
I'm not somebody who will express my care and concern to good friends.
I don't have any like 'cliques' from my secondary or primary schools.
Pretty anti-social in the past, I guess that's why I'm such a loner now T.T

But well, even though I kinda like have more friend in Poly, so what ?
After graduation, what will we be like ? I mean like we'll have our own life.
You'll all have your own partner, and slowly I think we'll just fade away.
Just like how some of my secondary friends fade away from me.....

Probably it's really me, being not friendly or concern enough ?
Or maybe they just don't like hanging out with me, I'm too boring.
I don't know, I really don't know. I mean like, what's wrong with me.
Isn't good friend supposed to be there, even if they are not the perfect?

I know I may not show so much concern, but I actually does care.
Dropping a msg once a while may seems nothing to you, I know right.
But to me it's just like sending regards, what's wrong with that ?
Maybe it's me thinking this way, that's why I have no friend, haha.

Whatever, bye.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Missing Fedex.

Shall post a summary of what happened when I'm at Shanghai during my intern?

Shanghai is a really nice place, and there's lots of fun stuff to play.
I went to pretty much places when I was in Shanghai.

Went two theme park in Shanghai, I SWEAR IT'S EXTREMELY FUN!
In USS, I can say I'm daring enough to take all rides, I mean really...
But the theme park in Shanghai was really really scary ~~

Other than being a tourist in Shanghai, main purpose was intern.

Both me and Liling was attached to the Fedex Technical Helpdesk.
Mainly is to help customer to solve their problem through the phone..
And we really met awesome and great colleagues in the company !

We'll always pester them to help us, although we feel super embarrass..
But they will never reject us and they are more than willing to help !
Our relationship with them was pretty good, and we still stay contact now ~

So when we're leaving the company, we had farewell dinner + KTV !
Upon showing our appreciation, we did thank you cards for them...


Ok anyway, enjoy photos of us with the awesome colleagues there ^^

Bryan - Seating next to us and we pester him every seconds!
Nevertheless, he always give us advise and assist us ^^

Hardy - The one who never fail to ask about how were we.
He was one of the guys who took care of us very well!

Wei - The man being serious with work, not allowing himself to make mistake.
At the same time if we do something wrong, he will guide us patiently ~

Lewis - A going-to-be father, but still being young and cool ~

Fritz - We pester him quite often as well !
But he always provide the most efficient guidance ^^

Kavin - He show responsibility in work, he's different after work!
When it comes to play, he'll be the most craziest and highest person!

Jeffery - Our incharge + The trainer of Fedex Technical Helpdesk.
He's always concern about our adapting in Shanghai, like a father!

Peter - That cool cool guy who seems so hard to talk to..
But he's really nice and friendly to us, appreciate it ^^

Pinpin - Joined the team on the month we're leaving...
But it's really nice knowing her, she's cute and lively ^^

Mia - The cutest girl in the team, cause she's small xD
But her working attitude is really awesome and she's nice!

Uncle Hua - A grandpa-liked man who loves to talk to us!
Love hearing to what he shared, always quite interesting ~

Cici - A mother-to-be ! She's really sweet and nice.
Can't wait to see her baby's photo, excited ^^

Helen - The woman that we don't really likes. HAHA.
She's a little lazy, and a little unhygienic. That's all xD

And here are the remaining colleagues which are in the team!
Although we're not as close, but still thank you for being so nice ^^

As mentioned, we had our farewell dinner and KTV as well!
A pretty nice and high one, really enjoyed myself so much ^^

I miss going KTV with Fedex, really :'(

So here's a few group photo of the Fedex big family, miss them :(

And lastly, a group photo of our 'cliques' in Shanghai ^^
Our trip wouldn't be so great without them, really appreciate ~

Ok, here's the end of my post. Byeeeeeeee ~~~~~