Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Omg, today's time pass so damn slow I must say......... It's only 5.30pm now, terrible :( One more hour to end work, and finally Tuesday ends ! Tonight, chicken wing rice I guess :D Long time never eat already ~ And, today mood damn down.... Cos tired max ! Went for damn early lunch at 1230pm till 2pm ~ So headed to Somerset, walking around just to waste the time away ! But the moment we're back to office, tired max again..... Well well well, tmr gotta work one more day and my long weekends will come :D ! Ohman, seriously dozing off and sleepy man... I confirm will rest my eyes on train & MRT ! Done updating, anybody reading ?

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Morningggggggg ! Tuesday already ~ Well, time pass fast yesterday ! Srsly, let's hope today's time pass this fast too ~ Meet Baby for dinner last night @ Tamp Mall ! Headed to ARTBOX awhile, and knew that the QH has been sacked ~ Hahah, OHBEGOOD ! She damn daring la, quarrel with supervisor, still request to call boss to negotiate -.- Should have sacked her earlier ! Laugh, SY was telling me bout her thing and I was like keep laughing ~ Thursday im having offday @ SingTel, so im gonna work full day @ ARTBOX with JY ! Hahaha, hope it will be like fun ah :D Kinda tired now, cos I didn't have a good sleep for the past 2 nights :( Let's hope I will sleep well tonight, hope ! Done done, now on the way to work le, zZzZz.........

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Monday, November 1, 2010


Dingdong ! Monday blue ~~ Currently having my breaktime ! As usual, early lunch :D Finished the monitoring & 1245pm so went for break ~ Having wanton mee at cineleasuire now, and the queue is like damn long ? Okay I'm damn sian ! Today the guys didn't came to work cos they work midnight shift last night ~ And Ohya, I'm meeting Baby for dinner tonight :DD ! That's all, shall update later or something ? Bye !

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