Sunday, June 27, 2010

Movie w/ Baby & Avion !

Woke up at 10am, ohmygod, seriously very tired :((( Booked out the chalet, & headed off to Baby's house ! Till evening, headed back home & watched "The Legend Is Born: Ip Man" with Baby & his friend (Avion) ! First time went out with his friend, not so bad ? Meet up with Avion @ Ehub, then went to eat Chicken Rice ~ Nothing much ? The show is kinda nice, but perhaps not linked to IpMan & IpMan2 ! But overall, still a nice movieeeeeeee :D After movie, Avion took cab home ! While me & Baby, walk home from Pasir Ris ^^

When I told Baby Im fat, he will say this "Lalala~" !
Then I said, Baby Im talking to you ~
He will, "Har? What you say just now?" ~
Silly idiot guy, but I still love him ♥ !

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ervin's Bday :D

Was suppose to go down his chalet on Friday, but both Baby and I were working ! So, didn't went down ~ Headed over on the actual day instead ! Baby woke up early for me, hahahaha ;) He came over to my house, and we headed out with Mommy & didi ! Went searching for his present, and bought a branded wallet (Picard) for him :D It's shared among quite a few people, but anyway ! Headed down around 3 plus together with Baby :D Nothing much, chatting and laughing around ~ Waited for the buffet to come, and his family join too ! Was chatting all the way till night ~

Everyone was waiting for XGBFF & Jacky to come, so that we could cut the cake ! Laugh, they feel so guilty ~ Anyway, after cake as usual chatting again ! A simple birthday for him ? Comparing to my birthday, kinda different ! Stayed over at the chalet, with Baby, Yvonne & Ervin :D Four of us went 7eleven in the middle of the night, eating the packed food ! Back to chalet & chat again ~ Sleep at 4am !

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ahaha ! Woke up quite early ? Prepared myself & headed out to baby's house ~ Lied to him, telling him I'm still at home ! But, he used before this prank le... But anyway, went for lunch & was having big headache of where to go ! Ice monster, baby's having terrible cough.. My house ? Abit, funny ~ Cos I went his house find him, & we're heading back my house ? So final decision, Toy Story 3 (3D) !

Took bus back to Tampines Mall ! Last minute decision, decided to watch that movie ~ So bought the ticket 1st, headed back home first ! 1st time watching 3D movie w/ baby only ^^ Hahahaha ! But kinda wasted, cos we bought the ticket using the AXS machine ~ So the ticket is the receipt -.- ! Anyway, headed back home changed & wore jacket w/ us ~ Took bus 28 to Tamp interchange again, & took lot of photo again ! Someday someday, I shall print out all photos & put it in photo album, am I right ?

After-all, the whole movie was seriously niceee ! Super funny & interesting movie ~ Both of us was laughing away in the cinema ! Till the end of movie, we thought there's more scene behind, bcos the cinema's light wasn't on yet ~ But in the end, NOTHING ! Well, greedy ~ Hahahah, bus back home & baby called his dad to fetch him back again ! Recently, he's quite lazy did you guys realise ? Hahahaha ~ Anyway, took photos in the cinema w/ the 3D specs we had ! I dont look nice, cos I can't see the front screen, awww ~ Short & sweet day out w/ baby ! & Im gonna work again.... zZzZzZzZz !

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yooooooooh ! Back from the one-day trip to Malaysia ~ Well, woke up around 445am ! I'm the last to sleep, but 1st to wake up ~ Anyway, prepared myself & I was twittering all the way ! Meet up w/ dad's friend, & edmund (korkor friend) ~ And, everybody has that "Just wake up" face ! But well, I'm the one being so energetic ~ Meet up w/ SF too ! I shouldnt wear leggings, it will be very hot I guess... Anyway, was disturbing ahzhong, hahahaha ! He keep giving us this expression on his face, (¬_¬)

Anyway, this trip is to go praying at Malaysia's temple ! And seafood for both lunch & dinner ~ Most importantly, SHOPPING :D ! Hahaha, went to this temple & there's this relationship thingy for us to pray ~ Three of them appears to be so... You know you know ! And, kinda superstitious bout this kinda thing ~ All of us went to pray too, tie-ing ribbon on to the bridge too ! Well, no harm praying ma hor ? Laughs ~ Shopping was great ! Bought 1 jacket, 1 tank top & a shorts ~ Most importantly, I bought baby a black quarter pants he always wanted (●*∩_∩*●) ! HAHAHAH, touched right baby !?

Still I must say, it's a super tiring outing for us ! It's fun, but it will be more fun if baby tag along ~ Didn't really enjoyed much, cos baby's feeling unwell in S'pore ! How possible it is for me to enjoy, when he's suffering :( But well, bought him some delicate from there too ! He can only eat those, when he's feeling better ~ Hahaha, and eventually, we keep sleeping in the bus ! Our sleeping position is..... TERRIBLE ~ But well, tired ma, hor ! Laughs ~ Till evening, our dinner is still not settled yet ! Lots of people at the restaurant & we waited for super super long, zZz ~ By the time we reach S'pore, it's already 11pm ! Late right ? Cos of the stupid S'pore custom police officer ~ Wasting our time, holding back people for nothing -.- ! Totally Dog, bullshit ~

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Went shopping w/ mommy today ! Haha, bought quite a lot of things ~ Total, I bought 2 tops,  1 pair of shoe, a bag & a shawl ! Korkor brought a pair of slippers, 2 boxers & Didi bought a top too ~ Mommy spend quite a lot for that day I guess ! I ask her, did you regret bringing us out ? She said : "I've expected these when I asked you guys out for lunch !" Isn't she cute ? But well, she went to buy a cardigan for herself too ~ Meet up w/ baby at night after his work, went Nihon Mura for dinner (♥‿♥) !

I guess we went over too late, the shop is left w/ nothing much for us to eat ! So we only eat like, these few sushi ? Total bill of $30, should be quite alright I guess ~ Laugh, went interchange & bought a black socks for my shoe I bought earlier on ! Headed back home, baby sent me home  & he called his dad to fetch him home ! Nothing much, as usual take photo again and again ~ I can't imagine one day, what if baby's not beside me ? Tell you, I'll be whining and whining to people around me ~

OHYA ! I'm currently working at ARTBOX @ Tampines Mall now ~ $5 per hour, quite little money I'm earning, but better than nothing right !? So, yesterday worked full shift, means 12pm - 10pm ~ Quite long hours, but still manageable ? For the whole day, the store only have me & my supervisor ~ She left me alone in the shop while she go off for break ! Quite relax, I could sms & twitter when she's not around ~ But, whenever she left me alone, I'm scare ! Scare people would ask me qns, which I dont know ~ Overall, it's quite cool working over there ! & the tee-shirt (uniform) there is cute, hahaha !

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

finally we both get to meet ! & go out on date, hahahaha ~ waited for this guy to wake up, & it's around 1 plus ? silly boy, lied to me saying that he missed bus, still on the way ! but when didi knock on my door, he appears infront of me, super sweet laaaa ♥ so both of us went prepared & this time round, baby dont let didi follow ! reason is : bcos it's our anniversary ~ hahaha ! my baby was really sweet & great on that day, hor ? anyway, was kinda vexed bout what to wear on that day ~ cos i haven wash my clothes ! but thanks to baby, i wore that clothes of mine w/ smthg which somehow suit ?

mrt-ed to bugis ! there's this uncle in the mrt, facing us at 1st ~ but after awhile, he turn aways ! i think bcos we.. are too sweet xD ! reached bugis, well ~ not so much people i guess ? decided to go iluma's empire state, 1st time going there ! anyway, both us look stupid taking photo w/ flash in the restaurant :x total bill, $60.60 ! i paid only $15, thank you baby for the treat ♥ went bugis street, baby insist on buying smthg for me ! but in the end, i didnt buy anything ~ however ! i got myself a bad scratch on my leg, i think that girl did it on purpose ~ baby got so pissed by her, keep looking back, silly but cute ♥

mrt-ed back home around 11 plus ? & baby stayed over at my houseeee ♥ as usual, sleep at "late" night ! cook things to eat, tgther w/ didi & it's a super tiring day for us ~ anyway, thank you baby for being such a great baby ! treating me like a princess, pamper me like nobody would, care for me like im his only precious ~ thank you baby, i love you alot :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

went out with xgbff today ! i thought my phone was like dead ~ i couldnt open my phone, no matter how i took out the battery again and again ! how sad ~ anyway, went to singtel & that person told me "Your phone is officially dead, I cant open".... how sad it is ! so both of us headed to simei, sony ericsson's service centre ~ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that person say, "Your phone's battery is too low to open, I help you charge awhile ~" both of us went... (-.-) ! but anyway, headed to suntec after the phone is charged for awhile ! Meet up w/ ervin & went to IT fair ~ waited for baby & yvonne to have their breaks at 4pm, headed to KFC ! the whole of intel's stuff were there too -.- but anyway, walk in the IT fair for 3 hours ! bought a card reader ~ & we were laughing at the bangla, they keep shouting, "lai lai lai, laptop cooler wu kuai qian ($5)!" *we are so bad* !


anyway ~ finally they end work, & went walking around ! chuayouwei (yazi) is so stupid ! he lost his way at suntec city, hahaha :x told him step by step, which shop to walk pass, which way to go after which shop ! anyway, found my Adidas water bottle, thank you baby ♥ ~ after that, headed to foodcourt for dinner ! okokok, this guy yazi "seems" very pathetic on that day ~ cos me & xgbff keep on keep on disturb him, hahaha ! come on yazi, we know you dont mind right xD mrt back home, & baby acc us till paya lebar ! leaving the 3 of us, walk home from tampines interchange :D *great chat, weird topic*

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Went Pulau Ubin with family & daddy's friend ! Woke up around 11 plus, baby said i woke up quite late ~ But anyway, around 1 plus went prepare & waited for mommy to come back ! So, daddy fetch us to ubin ; meet up with his friends; and we waited for 3rd aunt to come ~ Well, it seems like me & didi is the only "Teenager" over there ? But well, nothing much I guess ~ Laughs .


So was taking photo while waiting for the boat ! This little girl har, have super lot of expression when i says i wanna take photo ~ Look at her expression, laughs ! She's kinda cute & she keep telling her daddy : "I want follow jiejie, I want follow jiejie" ! And well, I became a nanny just like this, haha ~ But i can say, she's really really cute ! The boat trip is $2.50 per person I think ? But my uncle paid for the whole boat, so that we dont have to wait ~ It has been a long time since i've sit on a boat ! And that feeling is kinda.... You know you know ~ Anyway, took photos on the boat !


Went to a temple and pray, that's the main purpose of us going ! And, no photos can be taken there ~ But, i've seen a lot a lot of durian trees ! And and and, my leg is full of mosquito bite you know ~ And... I didnt bring the cream to apply ! So, i keep scratching :x Anyway, leave the temple & took boat back to changi ~ Ate at one restaurant & it cost daddy $242 ! Well, for 11 people it's alright i guess ~ They were drinking beer, blablabla ~ And, chatting after eating ! Nothing much ?


So, the both of us keep taking photo again ! Laughs ~ I guess we took around hundreds of photo ? Awww, it's kinda fun going out with them like this ~ I bet, i gotta bring baby along the next time ! Or maybe, just the 2 of us will do ^^ Anyway, went home & it's really tiring ~ But it's a fun outing ! Back home, around 9 plus went downstairs for food again x) ! Back home, sleep, hahahaha :x